Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1884 What the people want, the general trend

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

So far, Ning Xi's comeback is completely what people want, the general trend, and no external force can stop it.

At the end of the press conference, Xu Tao sneered and said, "The perpetrator of Ning Xi's car accident is still at large."

The meaning of this sentence is unclear, without naming anyone, but it can instantly push Han Zixuan to the forefront and give her a hard time.

As soon as Ning Xi left, Han Zixuan was promoted step by step from a young rookie in Shengshi Entertainment, replacing Ning Xi to become the number one lady in the entertainment industry.

So, was Ning Xi's car accident back then an accident, or was it man-made?

If it was man-made, who did it?

This limitless imagination is left to those reporters who want to make a big news every now and then!

After the press conference.

In the nanny's car, Liang Feixing raised his hand with a smile, Xu Tao raised his eyebrows, and also extended his hand to give him a high-five.

Liang Feixing stared at the high-spirited appearance of the other party, clicked his tongue, "Sure enough, you should do these shameless things! You are so shady!"

Of course, inciting people is also a good hand!

Xu Tao nodded with a look of being praised, "Of course!"

After finishing speaking, he shyly covered his face and turned to Ning Xi who was in the back seat to ask for credit, "My Lady Queen, how do you think I am doing today? Have you passed the probation period?"

Ning Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Well, it's pretty good."

Accustomed to Lin Zhizhi's rigid and meticulous way of working, this Xu Tao's style is really completely different.

However, for her current complicated and difficult situation, Xu Tao's smooth handling style is indeed a good thing, and it can make up for her shortcomings.

"Hahaha, Zheng Anru and Han Zixuan must be furious now! And Wang Haojun's son-in-law! I'll let you dig me out!" Xu Tao looked happy, and the anger that had been held in for so long finally came out.

The most critical step was taken smoothly, Liang Feixing also heaved a sigh of relief, but he still said cautiously, "This time, of course, it can seriously hurt that side's vitality, but it is impossible to trip her once."

Xu Tao shook his legs and stared at Ning Xi with glowing eyes, "What are you afraid of, my Qinglong Yanyue Knife can't cut Zheng Anru's broken kitchen knife?"

Ning Xi: "..."

This metaphor...


At the same time, Jiang Muye had just finished watching the live broadcast of Ning Xi's comeback press conference at home.

Looking at the overwhelming "Jiang Muye is so handsome", "Jiang Muye is so MAN", "Jiang Muye and our Brother Xi really match each other", a certain golden retriever expressed that he was in an unprecedented mood.

Jiang Muye picked up the phone and called Lei Ming, "Hi, Brother Ming~"

"Hey, little ancestor, do you have something to do?" Lei Ming asked tremblingly, he was always the one who called this little ancestor, and this guy rarely took the initiative to find him.

"Appoint me a stylist!" Jiang Muye said.

Lei Ming was shocked when he heard that, "Oh my god! You finally figured it out, little ancestor! I'll make an appointment for you right away! Cough, but, what style do you want?"

"Master agrees to transform."

Lei Ming: "..."

How could Jiang Muye cooperate so well?

"The most popular male artist this time must belong to my master, serve me some snacks, you know?" Jiang Muye urged.

Lei Ming: "..."

Not only did they cooperate, but they also knew how to make progress! ! !

Never before had he begged his grandpa to sue his grandma for snacks, but he looked indifferent and impatient.

It's unbelievable that he finally made it through!


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