Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1889 It's Your Brother-in-law

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"But sister... you... why are you wearing our school uniform..."

"Pretend it! Does it look like it?" Ning Xi chuckled.

Tang Nuo nodded again and again, "Like! You can't tell that you're not a student at all!"

"Xiao Nuo, you've grown a lot taller and more handsome. I almost didn't recognize you just now! How is it? There must be many girls in school who like you? Have you got a girlfriend yet?" Ning Xi teased.

Tang Nuo blushed immediately, scratched his head and said, "Sister, stop teasing me, I just want to study hard, I never thought about having a girlfriend!"

"Pfft..." Ning Xi couldn't laugh or cry when she saw the boy's upright face saying that he wanted to study hard.

"Sister, how did you come here?" Tang Nuo asked.

"Come here, it's not far away."

"Ah! That's so tiring! Sit down and rest for a while!" Tang Nuo hurried over to help her.

Ning Xi waved her hand nonchalantly, "It's not that weak, you can see that in the press conference video, it was my manager who was too exaggerated, in fact, a friend of mine prescribed a special medicine for me, and I recovered quite quickly Yes, at least now the daily life is completely fine."

"That's great!"

"Come on, let's go to the playground?"

"Okay." The young man felt relieved.

The wind was a bit chilly at night, Tang Nuo thoughtfully put his school uniform over Ning Xi's body, "Sister, don't catch a cold!"

Ning Xi rolled up her jacket, her face was full of warmth, "Thank you, good boy~"

As the two walked and chatted, Ning Xi asked with concern, "Are you still used to being here in the imperial capital?"

Tang Nuo was silent for a while, then he said, "At was a bit uncomfortable...after all, we are a small place...when I was there, the whole village was proud of me...but, here Only then did I realize... In fact, I am nothing... This sense of gap... is actually quite uncomfortable..."

The young man's expression was a little sad, but he quickly recovered, "It's just at the beginning, but I gradually got used to it, and now I get along well with everyone!"

The young man just mentioned it in one word, but it can be imagined that he must have experienced all kinds of twists and turns at that time.

After Tang Nuo finished speaking, he looked at the girl beside him with a gloomy expression, "Sis, back then... when you left home and came here... it must have been the same..."

Ning Xi sighed softly and looked at the night sky above her head. In front of Tang Nuo, she would not deliberately hide it, and said slowly, "Yeah...everyday...I miss home every day...want to go back...but... ...I can't think about it...I can't think about it...Since I have made a choice...I can't go back..."

Hearing the girl's words, Tang Nuo clenched his fingers tightly, not knowing what to say except his heart ached.

It's a pity that he was too young at the time to do anything.

" you still blame Brother Su Yan..." Tang Nuo asked.

Ning Xi turned her head to look at the distressed young man, her eyes reflecting the bright starlight flickered, "Resentment? I should thank him. If it wasn't for him, how could that person..."

When the girl said this, her face was full of warmth without any haze.

Tang Nuo was also immediately affected by the girl's emotions, "Sister! Are you talking about your boyfriend?"

Ning Xi smiled and corrected, "It's not your boyfriend, it's your brother-in-law. We're already married."

When Tang Nuo heard it, his face was filled with surprise, and he said happily, "Really?"

Probably because he had experienced Su Yan, but in fact, he was always worried that that man didn't treat each other sincerely, maybe he just fell in love with his sister's beauty and wanted to have fun or something. Unexpectedly, they were already married!

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