Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1891 The One Who Really Loves

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Hearing these words, Ning Xi's expressionless face finally flickered for a moment.

She almost thought she had heard wrong.


She simply couldn't understand the thinking of the man in front of her.

After so many things happened, how on earth could he say such things to Ning Xueluo when he and Ning Xueluo had been married for a year?

The girl's gaze made Su Yan feel chills in his heart.

The man said dryly, "Xiao Xi, I know what I said may sound ridiculous to you..."

"Is not it?"

"You heard me..."

Su Yan took a deep breath, "I've thought about it for a long, long time... This is not what I told you on the spur of the moment... I really... really regret it... and finally understand... what I really like ...who is the one who really loves..."

Ning Xi looked at the man in front of her who entrusted her best feelings when she was young, this man who once made her heart torn and heartbroken...

He regretted it when he finally spoke to her.

Hearing him say, the one he really loves is her.

I didn't feel the slightest bit in my heart.

If anything, it's downright chill.

"Xiao Xi, what happened back then was my fault, I was the one who betrayed our relationship first... But in the beginning, I never thought of being separated from you... until I met Xueluo...

Xueluo's temperament is too pure and weak, and when he suddenly encountered such an accident, he often chatted with me and complained, and I gradually... I don't know when... this kind of relationship has changed..." Su Yan's expression Full of pain and annoyance.

Ning Xi's heart was clear.

That's right, she was the one who was at fault for everything, she didn't have Ning Xueluo's morality, she would act pitiful, she would cry, and she would satisfy his desire to protect as a man.

Her fault was that she always reported the good news but not the bad ones, for fear that he would worry about herself. The fault was that she never said a word to him even if she was humiliated and excluded and isolated again and again...

"Until later...I had sex with Xueluo on impulse...Xueluo was her first time...I am a man...I have to be responsible to her...I kept it from you...Because I really I don't know how to face you..."

Heh, responsible... When he was responsible for a third party, did he ever think about her as his girlfriend?

It was a precious first time for Ning Xueluo, but she was an unclean person who lost her body inexplicably and became pregnant with a bastard. How could she be worthy of his precious young master of the Su family?

"However, it wasn't until later that I realized that Xueluo was what I was worried about all this time, but I never thought about your feelings. You left your hometown for me, and in the end I left you alone, and even made you suffer. After such a thing, he was sent abroad alone, and after returning to China, he wandered in the entertainment industry alone...

In fact, I have always wanted to help you and make up for it...but your temper is too stubborn..."

Su Yan fixed his eyes on the girl in front of him, "You disappeared for a whole year, and I also thought about it for a whole year, until you appeared again..."

After a moment of silence.

Su Yan took a deep breath and continued, "Xiao Xi, I've been deceiving myself for too long...I don't want to continue deceiving myself! I don't want to just lie to myself for the rest of my life!"

Ning Xi's mouth curled up mockingly, "So?"

"I know that I am not qualified to say these words to you in my current situation, and I have absolutely no intention of insulting you. I will...restore my freedom..."

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