Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1913 I will wear a sack

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

While doing styling, Jiang Muye started circling Ning Xi anxiously again.

"Ning Xiaoxi, have you chosen your gown yet? What are you going to wear tonight? I just asked, what kind of antique-level gown is that fake and shoddy wearing tonight? The gown worn by a royal princess is worth hundreds of millions. It costs 8 million to rent one day! We can’t be compared here!”

"Oh." Jiang Muye said for a long time before Ning Xi gave him one word.

Jiang Muye was about to vomit to death, "Oh, what do you mean, you should tell me! What are you going to wear?"

Ning Xi: "I'll just wear a sack."

Jiang Muye: "..."

I am serious, please stop playing!


Now he finally understands the pain of an agent when facing uncooperative artists...


At eight o'clock in the evening, the much-anticipated "Night of Stars" finally began.

Everyone stayed in front of video sites and TVs to cheer for their idols.

On the red carpet, the stars were shining brightly, and big names from all walks of life signed their names one after another.

Today, Liu Xiaorou wore the C family's centennial commemorative dress, which made her extremely noble and elegant.

The host praised winkingly, "Xiaorou is so beautiful today!"

"That's right! This dress seems to be the centennial of the C family. I haven't seen anyone in the entertainment industry wear it yet!"

In the past, Liu Xiaorou might have been happy to be complimented like this, but now, she wasn't happy at all.

This dress was precious, but Han Zixuan didn't want it, so it was her turn, and it didn't fit her personality or temperament at all.

But she had no choice at all.

When he was in the prosperous age, Xu Tao took care of everything for her, choosing the most suitable one for her. Once he arrived at Xinghui, all the best resources, all lists, and even the dresses, the best ones must be handed over to Han Zixuan and others. Big coffee.

On the big screen on the left side of the stage, the real-time vote count is displayed.

Looking at the number of votes at the end of her crane, Liu Xiaorou felt very uncomfortable.

However, even Yin Youyou was suppressed by Han Zixuan, and she could only be the second child of ten thousand years, so what could she say.

At this moment, Liu Xiaorou didn't expect to meet someone.

"Senior Sister Qin?" Liu Xiaorou looked surprised.

"Xiaorou..." Although he had been prepared for such an occasion, Qin Shuang still looked a little uncomfortable.

"It's really you, huh, I thought I was wrong!" Liu Xiaorou looked up and down the woman in a low-key dark dress in front of her, with an expression of being surprised to see her on this occasion.

After all, with Qin Shuang's coffee position, she is not qualified to participate in this kind of occasion.

"Why, are you coming to the dinner too?" Liu Xiaoru asked knowingly.

"Join the fun." Qin Shuang didn't say much.

She entered the industry several years earlier than Liu Xiaorou, and was called a senior by the other party, but she is still only a third-tier player, and she really can't hold her head up in front of her.

Liu Xiaorou folded her arms around her chest, looked up and down at Qin Shuang who was facing her, shook her head and sighed, "Senior Sister Qin, I didn't blame you. Although you are very popular, it's because Sister Youyou and I said a lot of good things for you. At that time, Xinghui Originally, I planned to make a package and poach you along the way.

But you don't even appreciate it! What is the future of staying in the prosperous world now?

Hehe, you don't believe Xu Tao's words foolishly, do you? What did you say that you have extraordinary strength and a solid foundation, stronger than me and Youyou, but you are only short of a chance to soar into the sky? "

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