Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1921 Kiss scene

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Christine said excitedly, "'s not that the world is unfair to you, it's not the fault of the world, but that you imprisoned your own inspiration, and you don't hesitate to kill people to achieve your goals, and take away the love of others... I am grateful for your help to me ...but my feelings for nothing but hatred..."

Hearing this sentence, hearing the woman he loves say that he hates her, Ning Xi's arrogant, angry and jealous expression turned blank in an instant, and she was all alone, as if everything was lost to him. significance.

All the audience subconsciously straightened their backs, their hearts clenched into a ball, and their nerves were extremely tense.

Just then, Raoul appeared.

Jiang Muye was also dedicated, and shouted loudly, "Your Excellency, please let Christine go, I am willing to do anything for you!"

Seeing the man who robbed his beloved girl, the ghost lost control again and used a special prop lasso to wrap around Raoul's neck.

"Ah...don't..." Christine exclaimed,

The ghost looked at Christine, who was exclaiming nervously, and forced her to make a choice, "Now, I will give you two choices, exchange Raoul's life for your freedom, and if he dies, I will let you go ;Secondly, put on a wedding veil and become my bride in exchange for Raoul's life!"

Raoul also deeply loved Christine, and said without hesitation, "Christine, don't promise him, don't marry this devil! If you say you love him in order to save me , then my life will be over!"

But at this moment, the audience in the audience and the fans in the live broadcast room swiped the screen almost all of them, "What are you waiting for! Marrying a ghost, of course!"

"Marry him! Marry her!"

"Mistress, if you don't marry, let me come!"


Listening to the urging from the audience, Jiang Muye was so old-fashioned, do girls these days like crazy and perverted? Damn, you just watched the young master die?

What about human nature?

In the end, this deadlock... how to solve it?

This ungrounded musical has completely aroused everyone's interest so far.

And a small number of people who understand the next development of the plot are even more excited, because they know that there will be a kiss scene next, and there will be a real kiss scene hahahahahahaha!

Facing the choice given by the ghost, Christine fell into a painful struggle.

In the end, she couldn't bear the sacrifice of her lover Raoul for herself.

Her hesitant and helpless gaze suddenly became firm, and finally mustered up the courage to raise her head and look at the ghost opposite.

She will tell Phantom how powerful the power of love will be, and God will eventually save his crazy soul.

In the next second, Christine took a deep breath, stepped forward without warning, and gave Phantom a long kiss...

Although it was just a borrowing, Qin Shuang's heart was beating like it was about to explode, and he had exhausted almost all his expertise to keep himself from losing his composure on the spot.

And the moment Ning Xi was kissed, everyone at the scene was going crazy, the atmosphere reached an unprecedented peak, the ratings of Guardian, and the popularity of the live broadcast platform all broke all historical records at this moment.

After just a short performance, Ning Xi's vote count on the big screen was close to that of Han Zixuan...

The ghost who was suddenly kissed by the girl he loved, his unrestrained expression suddenly went blank.

Yin Wu's originally terrifying face now makes people feel extremely cute.

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