Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1923 Brother Xi, long time no see

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The two male protagonists in the play are actually very brilliant, making it difficult to choose.

Jiang Muye's role also attracted a large number of fans.

And Ning Xi was even worse, she only showed half of her face, and she already drove everyone crazy.

This is a win-win situation.

Ning Xi had spent a long time doing special effects to make half of her face disfigured, so it was a bit troublesome to remove her makeup at the moment. After Qin Shuang and Jiang Muye had already stepped onto the stage, she slowly stepped out from behind the scenes.

It is still the expensive and elegant costume, but at this moment the cloak and mask have been removed, and after removing the disfiguring special effects, an extremely stunning face has been fully revealed in front of the audience.


"Brother Xi, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"


Facing the fans' enthusiasm, Ning Xi took the microphone from the host, spoke softly, and said, "Thank you everyone, long time no see."

Just four words, instantly ignite everyone's enthusiasm!

"Brother Xi, long time no see!"

"Long time no see! Brother Xi, we miss you so much!"

"Husband, I love you! I've been guarding you like a jade all these years, waiting for you to come back, did you make it?"


After "Dream Seeker" ended, Ning Xi had indeed not appeared in front of everyone in men's clothing for too long.

What's more, every time Ning Xi changed her outfit, it was as if her personality split, she became a completely different person, her temperament and personality completely changed.

No wonder fans are so excited.

And the moment Ning Xi came to the stage and said "Long time no see", the originally unshakable leaderboard on the big screen on the left changed instantly.

Ning Xi's number of votes in the double ranking leapfrogged that of Han Zixuan who had twice as many votes as her original, and it is still rising!

Han Zixuan and Zheng Anru had been paying attention to the list, but seeing that they had been surpassed by Ning Xi, their expressions changed immediately.

"What's going on with you guys! Such a high number of votes can make her overtake! Doesn't Zhao Wenliang have emergency measures?" No matter how calm Han Zixuan was, looking at the ranking list on the big screen would inevitably be out of control.

Zheng Anru wiped off his sweat, "It was too hard at the beginning, and now there are almost no deposit tickets on hand, so it's too late to raise tickets temporarily! Damn it! That bastard Xu Tao is really insidious! He did this trick! It's obvious It's the actress list, what does Ning Xi mean by making it like this? This is clearly a foul! I'm going to complain to the organizer!"

Han Zixuan's expression was extremely cold, "You think the organizer doesn't know?"

The organizer obviously got through with Ning Xi at the last moment and acquiesced to Ning Xi's actions.

They only need popularity and popularity, and they don't care what means the artist uses.

They were too careless, they didn't expect that at the last moment, they would change their plan and come here.

"I just said why Ning Xi's program is so advanced. It turns out that they are waiting for us here! Our program is currently the finale, but I'm afraid it will be too late by then. Otherwise, we can advance our program so that we can hurry up Get more votes! Zixuan, you have always appeared in the image of a high-cold goddess, but this time you break through the image and dance sexy, those men must go crazy! Ning Xi grabs female fans, so let's grab male fans!"

Han Zixuan thought about it for a long time, although she still felt uncomfortable, that was all she could do, "Just do as you say!"

Zheng Anru's calculations were very loud, but she didn't expect that tonight, when Ning Xi was teasing her female fans to death, the male fans who were turned away were already in mourning...

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