Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1925 Ning Xiaoxi, you pervert!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

In an instant, almost all the fans and audience turned their eyes back to Ning Xi, and Ning Xi's votes soared like a rocket.

Not to mention the ratings.

Looking at the soaring ratings, the director was so excited that his heart almost stopped.

Not only did he not blame the cameraman No. 1 who switched Ning Xi's close-up midway, but his face was full of appreciation, and he changed what he had just said on the spot.

"It's not bad...cough's obviously all right!"

The photographers still had scruples and didn't dare to make it too obvious. Now that they got the director's time, they let go of taking more shots.

When the No. 10 camera is aimed at Han Zixuan, it will almost always include Ning Xi in the shot.

In the audience, Jiang Muye, who was next to Ning Xi, was bewildered when he saw the votes soaring to the point where Han Zixuan couldn't beat him, and everyone's performance was about to go crazy.

"What the hell... What the hell! Didn't you just unbutton a button? As for? Qin Xiaoshuang, do you think these fans are out of their minds?"

Qin Shuang next to him didn't respond to Jiang Muye at all.

Jiang Muye turned his head to look, and the little girl's eyes had passed him, staring at Ning Xi next to him, holding her heart in her hands, with an expression on her face that she was about to faint.

Jiang Muye: "..."

Because he was sitting with Ning Xi, the two clearly appeared in the camera together, yet he was completely ignored.

This has never happened since his debut. Didn't all the male stars act as foils for him as soon as he appeared?

He was actually defeated by a woman?

Thus, Jiang Muye finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Isn't that just unbuttoning? Who wouldn't!"

After finishing speaking, he unbuttoned three buttons in a row.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Makino Makino Makino Makino!"

Jiang Muye's fans finally noticed his idol, and they all started screaming.

After paying such a big sacrifice, he finally got a little bit of attention. Not only was Jiang Muye not happy, but he was very sad, looking sourly at someone who was lazily sitting on the seat beside him.

After Ning Xi noticed the gaze beside her, she glanced at a certain golden retriever beside her out of the corner of her eye, and suddenly showed a thoughtful expression.

Jiang Muye was terrified by her, "What are you worried about?"

Ning Xi tilted her head and looked at him, with a smile on her lips, she said quietly, "Suddenly I was thinking, what would you look like if you were dressed as a woman?"

grass! I actually fantasized about Lao Tzu wearing women's clothes! It's crazy!

Jiang Muye blew up on the spot, covered his chest like a little wife, "Ning Xiaoxi! You pervert!!!"

Although the fans and audience don't know the content of the conversation between Ning Xi and Jiang Muye, but the way the two interacted vividly and lovingly, Jiang Muye's little expression that was obviously bullied to the point of collapse, the two of them together are simply black-bellied and arrogant. The perfect portrayal of the delicate hairy shou, invisibly aroused the passion of the rotten girl fans with the most fighting bodyguards in the fan base...

"Ahhh! So loving! My Makino's fried hair is so cute!

"It's so obvious! Brother Xi attacked me! Makino deserves it!"

"I really want to know what they are talking about!"

"I know, I know! I recorded it and looked at the lip shape several times! Brother Xi said he wants to know what Makino looks like in women's clothing!"

"Aww! Brother Xi is simply amazing! I also want to know what my husband looks like in women's clothing!"


Under the stage, Jiang Muye was holding his mobile phone to watch the screen refresh on the live broadcast, and his face was almost as dark as the bottom of a pot, "Fuck! Who the hell is the one who is receiving it! I'm attacking! It's attacking!"

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