Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1930 Are you tired of sleeping?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After Qin Zhen finished speaking, she didn't even wait for Wang Haojun's reply, just muttered that she was still busy, and left in a hurry.

"Producer Qin, Producer Qin...wait...Damn it!!!"

Wang Haojun never expected...

Qin Zhen, who was obviously shaken at first, suddenly changed his attitude after answering a phone call, and said in a firm tone that everything should be done according to the rules.

Wang Haojun was so angry that he kicked the wall!

damn it! what is going on?

The prosperous age has become like this, what ability can shake Qin Zhen's decision?

Or did the high-level executives behind the scenes of "Starlight" expect something and warn Qin Zhen on purpose?

In all fairness, he himself knew that the matter this time was indeed too difficult.

Wang Haojun glanced gloomyly at the list behind him, and the next second, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Ning Xi has already entered the top three of the top three male star rankings!

Almost all the fans in the live broadcast room were spontaneously soliciting votes for Ning Xi.

Not to mention the huge audience of fans and passers-by in places they can't see.

Now that the dinner party is coming to an end, the ratings are still high, which shows how much attention is paid to it!

Who would have expected that such a big change would happen in less than four hours, making it too late for all his emergency measures...



Jiang Muye looked at Ning Xi's ranking in the men's list soaring like crazy, and getting closer and closer to his No. 1. The whole body had become sluggish like a sculpture.

The three outlooks are subverted, and life is doubted!

At this moment, he could not wait to grab someone's shoulders and shake it violently, "Damn! Ning Xiaoxi! I asked you to slaughter the list with me, not to let you start the indiscriminate slaughter mode, okay?"

"Uh..." To be honest, Ning Xi didn't expect this kind of situation to happen at all. She had forgotten that some lists of "Entertainment Light" were gender-neutral, and she didn't expect that fans would put She topped the men's list.

So this time Jiang Muye really wronged her.

While talking, the real-time list at the moment is already...

Popular Actor NO.3: Ning Xi!

National hero NO.3: Ning Xi!

The most sleepy male star in the entertainment industry NO.1: Ning Xi!

Jiang Muye looked at the "Most Sleepy" list that was suddenly overtaken, and burst into tears, "Fuck! This is unscientific! Ever since the list was created, my sleepiest list has always been the champion! This time Unexpectedly, he couldn’t guarantee it at the end of the festival, and was overtaken by a woman?!”

Although the first two have higher gold content, the third is simply related to the dignity of a man!

Ning Xi looked at the "Most Sleepy" list, and she was the first to reach the first place. She frowned slightly, and could only comfort her, "Well... at least you don't have to post nude photos!"

"Master, I'd rather be naked and have a photo taken! Both naked and naked!" Jiang Muye cried.

In the end, Jiang Muye, feeling extremely sad and angry, directly logged into his tuba, entered the live video website and started swiping the screen.

Jiang Muye had special authority, and everyone received gorgeous special effect prompts as soon as he entered.

Jiang Muye: "Why do you want to sleep with me the most! Why! Is there any love left!"

Jiang Muye: "Are you tired of sleeping?"

Jiang Muye: "You are heartless, shameless and unreasonable little goblins!"

The sharp-eyed fans couldn't help laughing after seeing Jiang Muye in person.

"Whoever you and brother Xi is with! It's not the same whoever comes first~"

"Hahahahaha, Makino, this time you should obediently be suppressed!"

"I can't help it, the attack is too obvious, Makino, look at the one below!"


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