Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1932 NO.1! ! !

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

At this moment, Han Zixuan and Zheng Anru from the backstage explained that they breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the rapidly rising number of votes with satisfaction.

Even if the men's list doesn't make it, at least they must beat Ning Xi in the women's list. Even if it's the worst plan, at least one of them must be won!

Soon, it was Jiang Muye's turn.

Jiang Muye's canvassing manifesto was very simple and rude, "Be the first in the three rankings, and I will agree to any request you have!"

Nima, fight!

Accompanied by a burst of screaming, Jiang Muye's votes really started to skyrocket, and even the sleepiest list began to overtake Ning Xi.

"Ahhh! Do you want to kiss or hug!"

"Can I have a slap?"

"There are so many of us... my husband will die..."


Seeing this, Jiang Muye didn't even care about being squeezed dry, so he glanced at Ning Xi beside him triumphantly.

Humph, you still want to fight with me!

Senior, I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice!

No matter what, let's keep his list and his dignity first!

Ning Xi's canvassing speech followed closely behind Jiang Muye.

For a moment, everyone stared with bated breath, looking at the man who turned all living beings upside down in the middle of the stage.

At the same time, under the desperate fight between Han Zixuan and Xinghui Entertainment, Han Zixuan's votes are trying to overtake. It is obvious that Xinghui is going to take the lead in keeping the top of the list of "popular actresses". Only Han Zixuan and Ning Xi The gap between the votes of people is getting smaller and smaller.

On the men's list, the gap between the first, second, and third places is not that big, everyone is chasing after each other, and the competition is very fierce.

"Next, let's invite our Brother Xi to start her canvassing testimonials! I wonder what Xi Brother would like to say to our audience and fans?" The hostess looked closely at the people beside her, her heart beating rapidly .

Everyone was wondering what Ning Xi would do and what she would say!

One must know that Han Zixuan has put in a lot of effort this time, and such explosive news has been exposed at such a time.

At this moment, Ning Xi was still wearing the luxurious mid-century British costume, but because he was too hot just now, two buttons were unbuttoned, and the sweat stained in his hair was also slightly disheveled, adding a bit of casualness and laziness to him.

At this moment, under the tense, expectant, and breath-holding eyes of everyone.

Ning Xi covered her neckline with her fingers, and fastened the two loose buttons one by one until the first button of the neckline revealed only half of her fair neck.

It's just such an extremely small detail, just the slightly deep eyes, the temperament of the whole person changes instantly, as if in an instant from the evil ghost phantom to another completely different person, just like the thousands of abstinence in the castle. The king who has been waiting for his sweetheart for thousands of years...

Afterwards, he bent slightly, performed a dignified and elegant gentleman's salute, and said softly to everyone: "Thank you!"

After an eerie three seconds of silence—

Deafening screams erupted at the scene! ! !

"What's the difference between the life of brother Xi who can't sleep and the life of a salted fish!!!"

"Honey, I don't want to kiss, don't hug, don't hug, let alone make love, as long as you look at me in the crowd!"

"Ah, isn't it just a ticket? Here you are! Here you are! I give you all! I give you my heart, my love, my soul, and my chastity!"


There are no sensational speeches, no explosive news, one action, one thank you.

On the big screen——

Popular Actor NO.1: Ning Xi!

National hero NO.1: Ning Xi!

The most sleepy male star in the entertainment industry NO.1: Ning Xi!

Popular actress NO.1: Ning Xi!

National Goddess NO.1: Ning Xi!



[Good night~ Is the update over?~ I'm so excited to write hahaha~ PS: It's been the first anniversary of the article before I know it, and the author wants to say thank you to all the cute and supportive friends here! Thanks! Thanks! On the top of the QQ reading book review area, there is a long comment and prize-winning event, babies can go to participate~ I love you, love you, love you! 】

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