Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1934 On the same list as the Great Demon King

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Oh my god! This result... is really shocking! Since our Entertainment Glory was held, there has never been such an astonishing situation..."

On the stage, the host talked excitedly.

In the warm atmosphere, the winners came to the stage to accept the awards one by one, and the first to be awarded was the trophy for the men's list.

Ning Xi alone got three, that's right, the three that Jiang Muye vowed to slaughter.

In the audience, let alone the three rankings, Jiang Muye, who didn't make any rankings, has already begun to doubt his life.

"What the hell, I want to quit the entertainment circle!!!"

There is no way to mix in this circle!

Lei Ming coughed lightly, and comforted him beside him, "Ahem, actually the second place is not bad, not bad!"

"What's so good about being suppressed by that bastard?! Look at what these little bastards are saying in the live broadcast room! Is it okay for me? How is it for me?" Jiang Muye roared.

As for Xu Tao, he laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth, and he looked like a fan of brains, "Oh hehe, my queen is so awesome! I didn't expect Xu Tao to finally have a fortune!"

Don't make this golden thigh too thick!

"Ning Xi, congratulations on killing all of our handsome men in seconds, sweeping the top three men's rankings, and even the national husband is ranked second. I don't know, being on the same list as Lu Dashen, how do you feel now? What about it?" On stage, the host asked with great interest.

Although it's impossible for Lu Tingxiao to lead this small list of lace, but the host of this gimmick will definitely not let it go, so I specifically mentioned it.

Ning Xi raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard this, um, she was on the same list as Lu Tingxiao...

This feeling is really indescribable.


And I feel deeply slapped in the face...

After all, not long ago, she complained to Lu Tingxiao that she had too many rivals in love...

After deliberating on her words, Ning Xi replied, "It's my honor to be listed alongside God Lu's name."

What she didn't say was: In our lifetime, our names will always, always be together!

In the audience, although Xu Tao and Lei Ming didn't know about the relationship between Ning Xi and Lu Tingxiao, Liang Feixing and Jiang Muye knew about it, and they were full of dog food when they heard it.

Soon, it was the turn of the women's ranking awards.

At this time, Xu Tao and the others paid attention to the screen swiping in the live broadcast, and found some unharmonious voices.

"What! What the hell is Light of Entertainment doing? It's actually letting a woman take the top spot in the men's list! What a mess!"

"Not to mention the male rankings, the female rankings are also completely unfair! Popular actresses and national goddesses should belong to Zixuan, okay?"

"That's right! Zixuan is the real goddess! Are these people blind? What's so good about Ning Xi being neither male nor female?"


Needless to say, at first glance, it was Xinghui's fault.

Jiang Muye was complaining about Ning Xi just now, but when he saw these unbearable swipes, he immediately started to defend himself again, "Hmph, a bunch of stupid humans!"

He didn't look worried at all, waiting for these people to be slapped in the face every minute.

"Now the best newcomer award and the best... have been awarded! At this moment, we are going to award the trophies for our popular actress and national goddess! Because these two awards were won by our actress Ning Xi, so It is decided to award it all at once, and I will invite Ning Xi to come on stage again!"

Accompanied by the warm voice of the host, a person slowly stepped out from the backstage.

When a white figure slowly walked into everyone's sight from the hazy lights in the background, until the person stood completely under the spotlight.

The audience fell silent.

At this moment, the lazy and noble king who turned all living beings upside down had already changed out of his men's attire and returned to his original appearance...

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