Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1936 Where is the beauty I have never seen

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The night of starlight ended successfully, and this time, Shengshi fought a very beautiful battle.

Of course, some people obviously don't think so.

Backstage powder room.

"Prefer sex over friends! Inhumane! Ning Xiaoxi, our friendship has come to an end!" Jiang Muye was furious.

This product is absolutely deliberate!

In order to show her affection, she sold him like this!

Ning Xi sat in front of the dressing table, while taking off her earrings, she cast a sidelong glance at Jiang Muye behind her in the mirror, and said quietly, "I told you that the female list was for you, and you didn't want it!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at a certain golden retriever meaningfully.

Jiang Muye's facial features are very delicate and perfect, if he really puts on makeup and then dresses up as a woman...


Jiang Muye's fur was about to explode from Ning Xi's blatant gaze, "Your sister is a woman! Ning Xiaoxi, if you try to make up my mind again, I will fight with you!"

Ning Xi sighed, her expression was clearly regretful.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of "Dong Dong Dong".

"Please come in." Ning Xi subconsciously glanced in the direction of the door as she spoke.

Immediately, after seeing the person coming, his expression was a little surprised.

The person who came was dressed in a black formal suit, holding a bouquet of flowers that looked very special in his hand.

The flowers are pink and white. At first glance, they look like the lav collars of European nobles in the Middle Ages. They seem to be a special flower species that only the Geneva Botanical Garden in country R can plant, and the number is very rare.

"Congratulations." Li Muyan handed over the bouquet in a gentlemanly manner.

Ning Xi hurriedly stood up and took the flowers, "Mr. Li...Thank you..."

"Tonight, I happened to have an appointment with the ambassador of country R at a nearby hall. I didn't intend to watch the live broadcast, so I learned that you have an important event tonight. I took the liberty to come here. I hope I don't disturb you." Li Muyan explained his intentions in a few words. intention.

Ning Xi smiled and said, "Of course not, you are too polite! Hua likes it very much, thank you!"

The fragrance of this flower is very special, a bit similar to acacia and water pear, like the softness of early summer in the south of the Yangtze River.

"This is Xing Mulan from country R. I just found out about it temporarily, so I went directly with the ambassador of country R." Li Muyan said.

Ning Xi naturally knew that Li Muyan was joking, and he was a little surprised that this person would laugh, but in his position, it was normal for him to be able to say all kinds of things.

At this time, Jiang Muye looked at this strange man who appeared suddenly, and suddenly his whole body changed from a golden retriever to a lion, his eyes were full of vigilance.

"By the way, this is my senior from the same company, Jiang Muye." Ning Xi introduced.

"Li Muyan." Li Muyan stretched out his hand, introduced himself, and then said, "I've heard about Mr. Jiang's name for a long time. Mr. Jiang is very famous in China, and my cousin is also a fan of him."

I can talk...

Jiang Muye reached out his hand perfunctorily, and shook hands with the other party, "You're welcome."

Li Muyan didn't stay long, and left after a few simple greetings.

As soon as the person left, Jiang Muye rushed to Ning Xi and asked, "Who is this person?"

"My aunt's best friend's son is a diplomat, what's wrong?" Ning Xi answered casually.

Jiang Muye mumbled, "It's nothing, I just feel something weird... Is he interested in you?"

"I'm not RMB! I've never seen beauties anywhere in the world, so why are you so ignorant..." Ning Xi was sending a message to Lu Tingxiao cheerfully and sweetly, and said without raising her head.

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