Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1938 Do you want to try here?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Well, the big devil's surprise... what will it be?

Ning Xi originally wanted to stay with Lu Tingxiao, but because she was busy all night, she finally fell asleep in a daze.

When he woke up, the car had already stopped slowly.

"Well, are you there yet?" Ning Xi rubbed her eyes.

Just about to open her eyes, suddenly, a pair of warm and wide palms covered her eyes, "Close your eyes first."

Ning Xi suddenly regained consciousness, nodded obediently, and her heart beat slightly faster.

The door opens.

She was protected by a palm around her waist, and she was carefully carried forward step by step.

The touch of the soles of the feet is very soft, it should be mud.

The air is mixed with the fragrance of grass and trees, the night breeze is slightly cool, and the sound of brushing in my ears seems to be somewhat familiar...

Although her eyes were closed and there was darkness in front of her eyes, because of the familiar atmosphere and temperature beside her, she trusted everything with her whole body and felt everything around her comfortably.

I don't know how long I walked, but the touch under my feet seemed to change from mud to pieces of wooden boards spliced ​​together. The feet were suspended in the air, which should be a wooden bridge.

"You can open your eyes." A man's deep voice came from beside his ear.

Ning Xi paused, and slowly opened her eyes. Immediately, the dark pupils instantly enlarged...

The goal turned out to be a large lush bamboo forest, and the sound of brushing just now was the sound of the wind blowing through the bamboo forest.

In the bamboo forest, there are fireflies floating around, like a dream...

Thousands of stars are reflected on the river under your feet, and the reflections of them cuddling each other...

In the depths of the bamboo forest, there is a small courtyard with a simple and simple shape, which is currently lit with soft and warm lights.

What shocked her even more was...

This is City C, the bamboo forest in Chunfeng Town, City C!

That night, she was drugged. When chatting with him, she mentioned the bamboo forest.

She said what a romantic bamboo forest if I could have sex with my beloved here...

There are no buildings here, and the small courtyard must have never existed before. Even the fireflies in the bamboo forest used to exist, but the number is very small, definitely not so many.

Since when did he start preparing?

Ning Xi couldn't describe her mood at the moment.

This man, who was always serious, rigid and boring, did things for her that he was not good at.

"Do you like it?" The man's voice was obviously a little nervous.

The moment the words fell, a pair of lips as soft as petals in early spring covered his cool and thin lips.

Lu Tingxiao's back suddenly stiffened, and the palms around the girl's waist suddenly tightened, and at the same time he kissed her back deeply.

"When did you start preparing?" Ning Xi asked.

"I don't remember, when you fell asleep." Lu Tingxiao replied.

Ning Xi's heart was filled with sour sweetness, "Thank you, I like it very much... I like it very much..."

Lu Tingxiao coughed lightly, "I was planning to be here..."

Although Lu Tingxiao didn't finish his sentence, Ning Xi understood immediately.

How could her sweetheart be willing to wrong her in the slightest? He was probably planning to come here for the first time after the newlyweds, but because of being subdued and knocked down by her, he failed in the office...

Ning Xi laughed softly, "As long as we are with you, everything is the same! We still have a lifetime, and we can try many, many places..."

The man hugged the girl into his arms: "Yes."

Ning Xi raised her little head, blinked her eyes, and there were little stars in it, "My dear, are we going to try this place today?"

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