Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 194 You Can't Fall in Love

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After introducing the little assistant, Ling Zhizhi gave her another set of keys, "This is the apartment arranged by the company for you, you should move there as soon as possible."

From the corner of her eye, Ning Xi caught a glimpse of the small characters engraved on the key: Pearl River Royal View.

Depend on! Arrange the Pearl River Emperor View for her, a newcomer who just joined the company?

The most expensive villa in City B is Platinum Emperor Palace, and the most expensive apartment is Pearl River Emperor View, both of which are projects developed by Lu Group.

She remembered that Ning Xueluo also lived in Pearl River Dijing...

Shengshi is really rich and powerful!

Ning Xi looked a bit embarrassed, "Thank you, Sister Lin, but... I may not be able to move there for the time being..."

Ling Zhizhi glanced at her, "Have a boyfriend?"

Seeing that she had misunderstood that she was living with her boyfriend, Ning Xi hurriedly explained, "No, it's not because of the boyfriend! There is something I need to live with my friend for a while, and I will move there as soon as the matter is settled. I promise it won't affect my work. , and the place where I live now has good privacy.”

Ling Zhizhi didn't ask any further questions, and said with a serious face, "Just know what's in your heart. I won't interfere too much in your private affairs, but I still have to explain some principled issues to you. The first one is that you are not allowed to fall in love at this stage. , I don’t need to tell you more about the reason, do I?”

Leng Manyun, whom she brought up from the rookie, had to retire suddenly for a man, which hit her somewhat.

This feeling of being abandoned halfway by teammates who fought together even made her feel disheartened for a while.

"Sister Lin, you can rest assured about this, I just want to act well." Ning Xi said firmly.

Lin Zhizhi's eyes were flat when she heard this, and she didn't express anything special.

When a woman encounters love, her head becomes dizzy, even if she swears a hundred poisonous oaths now, it's useless.

Next, Lin Zhizhi explained to her some company rules and regulations, and then handed her a document: "Today Star Entertainment will hold a press conference, the main content is to announce that you will be banned.

Our press conference is also ready at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. This is the press conference process and precautions, as well as questions that reporters may ask. You should go back and take a good look. "

Ning Xi took the document: "Sister Lin, don't worry, I will do my best!"

Although Ling Zhizhi always had a cold and stern look on her face, Ning Xi didn't feel uncomfortable at all, instead she felt particularly safe.

With the company as the backing to handle and arrange everything, she only needs to concentrate on acting well, which is much easier than before.

Seeing the genuine gratitude and fighting spirit in the girl's eyes, Lin Zhizhi's favorability increased a bit. Forget it, let's give it a try. Although Lu Jingli is usually a little unreliable, at least he has a good eye for people. Every time someone digs here, there is no one who is not popular.

"Well, go ahead. I'll talk to you about some details later. If you don't understand anything, feel free to call me."

"Okay, Sister Lin, I'll go first!"


Today Ning Xi drove the black Audi that Lu Tingxiao had prepared for her when she came to Shengshi. She has been exposed too much recently. If she continues to work on the subway, it will be very troublesome to be recognized.

On the way back, Ning Xi excitedly tried out the automatic driving function. After the car was positioned and navigated, it started to drive automatically. She could do whatever she wanted while sitting in the driver's seat.

Really cool!

Technology really changes life!

At this moment, Starlight Entertainment's press conference should be over, so Ning Xi picked up her phone and opened Weibo to check the reactions on the Internet.

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