Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1956 This is too unscientific

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Originally, Ning Xi wanted to find out who was behind the scenes from the two dead people, but this Han Xiao...

Killing people without blinking an eye, making mistakes, and being oily in their hands... cheating ghosts.

Does this guy know something?

"These two people, each treat me to a family bucket, two buckets for two people, it should be about the same." Han Xiao said.

Ning Xi: "..."

Ning Xi couldn't help feeling sorry for the two killers. In Han Xiao's eyes, their lives were only worth a family bucket...

Moreover, it is not a luxury family bucket...

"Please, please, please, I'll treat you to two hundred barrels, and I'll watch you finish it." Ning Xi was a little helpless. Sometimes this Han Xiao was terribly abnormal, and sometimes he looked like a child who couldn't grow up.

" said it, but I'm not free tonight. I have an appointment with a beautiful woman. I'll go find you."

Han Xiao turned around and waved, and left before Ning Xi could speak.

"A beautiful woman has an appointment..."

Ning Xi couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

She had never seen a woman around Han Xiao, let alone a woman, nor a man.

No excuses will be found to be credible!


Ning Xi returned to the small garden building in Luzhen, but she didn't see Lu Tingxiao, but Lu Jingli ran over.

This guy seems to be coming less and less frequently recently, it is said that he is full of dog food.

"Why are you here? Are you hungry?" Ning Xi opened the door for Lu Jingli, let this guy in, and asked with raised eyebrows.

Lu Jingli made a bitter face, "Sister-in-law, you are being modest, this little bit of survival in my stomach is enough for me to survive in my next life... Sister-in-law, I am looking for you because, according to my brother, "Killer" let you play the leading role?! "

Lu Jingli was so excited that he asked.

Ning Xi nodded, "Yes, where's your brother?"

Lu Jingli walked around Ning Xi, "At the company, the company has something to deal with these few days!"

Ning Xi originally wanted to call Lu Tingxiao, but when Lu Jingli said that Lu Tingxiao was busy, she lost her mind.

"Sister-in-law, I know it's been like three autumns since you last met, but can you tell me clearly first? Is what my brother said true or false?

The movie "Killer" was a super classic in Hollywood back then, sweeping all the major awards. Although you are considered a big name in China, you are really nothing in Hollywood. Maybe in order to occupy the Chinese market, let you play a supporting role , it's still possible... It's too unscientific for you to play the leading role in the female lead, which is still a super classic work that everyone has been looking forward to..."

Lu Jingli is absolutely no stranger to the movie "Killer".

It can even be said that among those who have been in the entertainment industry, who hasn't watched "The Killer"?

Even in the past many years, there are many domestic film works with good reputation and blockbusters, many of which pay tribute to "Killer".

Now, the new filming of the old film "Killer" has caused a sensation in the entire domestic entertainment industry. It is very difficult for many popular artists to get a small role.

"I didn't lie to you, it's true." Ning Xi said helplessly.

Lu Jingli still couldn't believe it when he heard Ning Xi personally accept the concession.

After the new shooting of the old film "Killer", the lineup can be described as unprecedentedly strong, which is extremely rare.

The male number one is even more famous, with the world-renowned Steve Will as the role, known as Wei Di, a Hollywood actor-level figure.

The original female lead, Lilian, is one of the biggest actresses in Hollywood today. She should be about the same age as Ning Xi, but in Hollywood, she has already been crowned queen at a young age, and she has once blocked the honorary title of female artist of the year.

Before that, he and Wei Di starred in a movie called "Lowell Lost Town", which received rave reviews.

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