Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1969 Ignorant Human Beings

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"What? What are you talking about? A past female artist who can't even get a trick?" Xu Tao made an exaggerated look: "I'm afraid you are ignorant, old man?"

Zheng Anru stared at Ning Xi and Xu Tao with undisguised disdain in her eyes, and she was still putting on airs at this time.

"Miss Ning Xi, it is said that you also auditioned for the role of the Killer crew and competed with Ms. Han Zixuan for the same role, but you lost in the end. I wonder if it is true?"

"Miss Ning Xi, does this prove that even though you are currently in the limelight in China, and even swept the top five lists overnight, your international status is still inferior to Miss Han Zixuan?"

Zheng Anru sneered when a media reporter raised such a question. This kind of question should be raised more often.

Before Xu Tao could speak, the official launch of the "Killer" character press conference had already begun.

All the media reporters stopped paying attention to Ning Xi and rushed into the venue quickly, trying to find the best angle to report.

Xu Tao led Ning Xi towards the venue from another passage.


At this moment, at the press conference, Wei Di, Lilian and others were already sitting at the seats.

In the new "Killer" movie, all the characters have arrived.

An extra character like Han Zixuan couldn't be at the table, everyone at the table was an important role.

"Why is there an empty seat?" A reporter looked puzzled.

"Lilian... is she sitting in the seat of the female number two?"

Even the sharp-eyed reporter discovered that Lilian's position was not the number one female, but the second female.

"Could it be that the rumors were wrong before, Lilian played the role of the second female lead in the Killer One drama, not the first female lead."

"Who is that female number one?"

"It should be some other super popular actresses in Hollywood. I guess it's Jennifer, or else it's Blanche!"


When all the domestic media were speculating, Ning Xi walked into the venue.

Seeing Ning Xi, Wei Di stood up politely and pulled the woman in front of him away.

Seeing this, all the media looked around, searching for the other two Hollywood queens.

"A has-been actress who came here just because of the popularity? Don't you think it's embarrassing for our country?"

Realizing that Ning Xi and Xu Tao had actually entered the venue, Zheng Anru sneered.

"That's right, but I can't compete with Sister Zixuan, so there's nothing I can do about it. After all, it's a press conference for a killer. I've been here before, and I've seen so many big names in Hollywood. It's a comfort to my failure."

"This kind of person can only watch Sister Zixuan, Weidi and Lilian on the same stage on TV. She has no chance."

"Could it be that he's here to make trouble again? This person is too shameless!"

The two assistants in front of Han Zixuan snorted coldly.

Not only Zheng Anru and others, but also many domestic media also saw Ning Xi.

"Miss Ning Xi, since you lost the role and the competition with Miss Han Zixuan ended in failure, as a domestic top-tier actress, is it a little inappropriate to come to the assassin's press conference?"

"Miss Ning Xi, may I ask how you feel at the moment?"

More than a dozen reporters stepped forward and surrounded Ning Xi, and immediately asked questions.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, please let me..."

Xu Tao didn't bother to talk to these people, so he protected Ning Xi and walked directly to the stage.

So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ning Xi actually walked towards the press booth.

"Miss Ning Xi, please sit down."

At this moment, Weidi, who had already helped to open the chair, made a "please" gesture in a very gentlemanly manner.

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