Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1986 Can you give others a little face?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Seeing the European and American old man in front of him suddenly take out an extremely sharp scalpel, Ning Xi retreated subconsciously.

No matter how slow the reaction was, it was already clear in his heart at this moment that the European and American old man and the black man beside him were killers.

"Are you... the top ten death doctor on the list of original sin killers?!"

Tang Lang frowned suddenly.

"Young man, you know me." The European and American old man asked with a smile.

Seeing the old man in Europe and America admit his identity, Tang Lang gasped.

"Doctor Death" is the old guy's nickname.

The European and American old man in front of him is famous among the underground forces in Europe and America.

When he was young, he was a very famous surgeon.

Later, I don't know what happened. This European and American old man used his scalpel to cut off the heads of his daughter and wife. He is a complete pervert!

Since then, he has become a killer, and the title given to him by the outside world is "Doctor Death".

Tang Lang's heart trembled. Since this European and American old man was "Doctor Death", the black man next to him should be his partner, the seventh on the list of original sin killers, "The Ripper with Cleanliness" Yorick.

The fact that two top ten figures in the Original Sin Rankings were able to come to China to carry out assassinations was probably due to the power of the Emperor of Europe...

"You two, do you have any last words? If not, then we can start." Doctor Death said with a smile.

At this moment, Tang Lang stared wide-eyed, and shouted loudly: "Grandpa! Someone didn't give you face, what the hell is here to kick the hall!"

Soon, Han Xiao was holding a chicken leg in his hand, his mouth was full of oil, and he was wearing Ning Xi's slippers, walking towards the door while eating.

"Old man, don't run away, my grandpa is here, just wait!"

Seeing Tang Lang walking in slippers, the seriousness on his face finally dissipated, and he began to nibble on the remaining watermelon in his hand.

"Who is it!"

Han Xiao walked to Ning Xi's side.

"Just this old black one, and this old immortal!" Tang Lang pointed at "Doctor Death" and "The Ripper with a cleanliness" Yorick while eating watermelon.

"You, who are you?"

Han Xiao took a piece of watermelon from Tang Lang's hand and asked while eating.

Seeing Tang Lang and Han Xiao, the two melon eaters, Ning Xi was completely speechless.

This is the top ten killers on the original sin list, can you give them some face! Can you show me some face! !

After seeing Han Xiao's appearance, the morbid madness in the eyes of the European and American old man disappeared instantly.

Yorick, in particular, quickly put away his submachine gun, and suddenly there was a flattering smile on his stern face: "Oh, Lord Xiao, why is it you, old man!"

Sweat broke out on Yorick's brow.

Is this... is the above a fucking international joke? !

No one told them that the pervert Han Xiao is here! ! !

"Who are you?"

Han Xiao asked while eating a melon.

"Master Xiao, look at your memory... I'm Yorick..."

Yorick hastily smiled.


Han Xiao thought about it, but couldn't remember.

"In the past, I offended you old man by not opening my eyes. Your old man broke my leg in a large number, and then my friend picked it up." Yorick looked at the European and American old man on the side.

About two years ago, he and "Doctor Death" took the assassination mission, and met Han Xiao on the way...

In the end, he was almost beaten to death by Han Xiao...

Yorick had a broken leg, which was then reattached by "Doctor Death".

"What do you mean by pointing a scalpel at me?" Han Xiao looked at the old man in Europe and America.

"Oh...I..." The European and American old man shook his body, and then immediately swept his chin with a scalpel: "Master Xiao, don't get me wrong, I shave..."

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