Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1988 This is simply a miracle

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Qiao Yi listened to the furious voice on the other end of the phone.

"You fucking bastard! Don't you know who's in Deer Town?! How dare you ask the higher-ups to send us missions?"

Yorick was furious to the limit.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, hurry up and ask someone to send over three hundred dollars, if anything happens, you will die!"

After Yorick finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Qiao Yi was completely baffled, and didn't know what kind of anger Yorick made.

What about three hundred dollars?

Besides, this task was given to them by the European Emperor's forces, so what does it matter to them?

But no matter how you say it, Qiao Yi is not an idiot. He didn't even handle "Doctor Death" and Yorick. I'm afraid that Lu Tingxiao really invited a master to sit in charge.

"Could it use that person?"

Feng Jin frowned.

Joey fell silent.

The person Feng Jin mentioned was not famous in the world.

However, it is the strongest killer of the European Emperor faction.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is the first in the world.

In desperation, Qiao Yi had no choice but to contact the forces of Ouhuang again and ask them to send stronger killers.

"Qiao Yi, you mean, you want us to use Xiao Zhan?"

A deep voice came out.

"If Xiao Zhan is willing to make a move...everything will be fine."

Joey laughed.

"Then you know, the last time Xiao Zhan went to assassinate Han Xiao, he was seriously injured and he was still recovering."

"Han Xiao?!"

Hearing Han Xiao's name, Qiao Yi was taken aback.

Although he had never met Han Xiao himself, Han Xiao's name was like a thunderbolt.

Back then, Ouhuang's youngest daughter was originally betrothed to Han Xiao.

But Han Xiao didn't buy it at all, and finally broke with Ou Huang.

Over the years, Ouhuang's forces dispatched a large number of top killers to assassinate Han Xiao, but none of them came back alive.

Qiao Yi also heard something about Han Xiao.

It is said that he is a genius of a hidden family, and his strength has exceeded the limit that the world can understand.

"Xiao Zhan... survived?"

Qiao Yi asked subconsciously.

In Qiao Yi's mind, the words Han Xiao and Invincible were almost equivalent.

I'm afraid that only the legendary Qin Wentian can fight Han Xiao.

Characters like them are already at the legendary level, no matter how powerful Xiao Zhan is, he is only at the secular level.

"Hmph, Han Xiao almost died! It's a pity..."

The gloomy voice sighed.

Xiao Zhan's assassination method is the best in the world, even Han Xiao was almost caught.

"Xiao Zhan is really powerful..." Qiao Yi couldn't help sighing.

It was just a miracle to assassinate Han Xiao by only one step.

Even if it fell short, at least it hurt Han Xiao.

"Heh... Qiao Yi, let me tell you, Yorick called before, do you know who is in charge of the Lu family."

Said on the other end of the phone.

"Who is it?" Qiao Yi asked hastily.

"Han Xiao."


Qiao Yi took a breath.

The one in Lu Town was actually Han Xiao? !

How can this be!

What is the relationship between Han Xiao and Lu Tingxiao, and Ning Xi? How could he help Ning Xi and the others in Lu Town!

Qiao Yi never knew that Lu Tingxiao and Ning Xi knew Han Xiao.

"Okay, no matter how powerful the killer is, it's useless. You know, even Li Suifeng, the number one killer of the original sin, was easily wiped out by Han Xiao. No wonder Yorick and the others complained. Let Xiao Zhan go this time." Bar!"

After finishing speaking, without giving Qiao Yi a chance to continue speaking, the phone was hung up.

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