Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1993 I will be responsible for you

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"You don't have to worry about Xueluo's side. I'll talk to Ning Xi in person." Su Yan said, his voice slightly tense.

When Wang Haojun heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, "It would be the best if President Su stepped in! As long as Ning Xi is willing to come over, we can promise to give her the best resources of the company, set up a studio for her alone, her manager People can come along too!"

Even though Prosperous World has developed rapidly during this period, it is still not comparable to Xinghui, and if Su Yan talks in person, the odds of winning are still very high.


the next day.

Xu Tao rushed into Liang Feixing's office in a rage, "Old man Wang Haojun called him uncle!!!"

Liang Feixing raised his eyebrows, "I didn't expect you to have such a strong taste?"

"I'm not kidding you! Damn I just got the inside information, that old boy Wang Haojun actually wanted to poach my Ning Xi!"

"Heh, poach Ning Xi?" Liang Feixing showed a rather delicate expression upon hearing this.

"Damn it! What should I do now? What if...if Her Lady Queen is poached away! Then I won't live anymore!" Xu Tao had the expression that if Ning Xi left, he would hit her head to death.

Liang Feixing's mouth twitched slightly, "Calm down, please? Do you think Ning Xi is that kind of person?"

"Of course not Ning Xi! The main reason is that Wang Haojun's tricks are too many. The seedlings raised by me have been poached one after another. I'm already psychologically disturbed, do you know that?" Xu Tao broke down.

Liang Feixing said in a relaxed tone, "Don't worry, it's impossible for Ning Xi to poach anyone."

"Why are you so sure?" Xu Tao burst into tears.

This guy now regards Ning Xi as more important than his life, and he has been betrayed so many times by his artists before, so he probably has some shadows.

Liang Feixing rolled his eyes speechlessly as he looked at that guy's mournful appearance for fear of being abandoned.

Of course it was because Ning Xi was not only an entertainer of Glory World Entertainment, but also the proprietress of Glory World Entertainment.

Have you ever heard of someone who can poach the proprietress away?

"In short, just trust me, and go about your business with peace of mind, don't think about it." Liang Feixing said.

Xu Tao still looked sad, "Then if Her Lady Queen abandons me, will you be responsible?"

"Responsible! If you are abandoned, I will be responsible for you, OK? Get lost! I still have to do something!"

Liang Feixing's words were almost broken, and finally he sent the noisy Xu Tao away.


YLD fashion dinner.

Ning Xi was invited to attend, and was taking a breather in the small garden on the way, unexpectedly meeting Su Yan whom she hadn't seen for many days.

After seeing her at Imperial University last time, Su Yan never looked for her again.

This result was within Ning Xi's expectations.

Su Yan couldn't play with Ning Xueluo.

I heard that Xinghui was replaced by Su Yan during this period of time, the reason being that Ning Xueluo was unwell.

She knew Ning Xueluo's temperament too well, there was nothing that could make her hand over the power in her hand.


The night was as cool as water, Ning Xi wore a long silver-white dress, her jet-black hair was tied in a loose bun behind her head, and she sat comfortably on the swing with a glass of red wine.

The scene in front of me was too beautiful to be real.

Su Yan's heart beat wildly, "Xiao Xi..."

As if worried that the person in front of him would run away from him again, he hurriedly said again, "Xiao Xi, I'm looking for you this time on business."

"Business?" Ning Xi tilted her head slightly, her smoky eyes were full of drunkenness, she was obviously innocent, but she was as seductive as a fairy in the dark night.

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