Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2011 Coming out of the red carpet

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

As soon as Han Zixuan entered the banquet hall, a large circle of artists immediately surrounded her, all of them chatting with her cordially and enthusiastically.

After all, everyone knew that once Ning Xi fell, the entertainment industry would return to Han Zixuan's world.

"Zixuan, what you did this time is so satisfying!"

"I've long seen that Ning Xi doesn't look like a serious person, but I didn't expect it to be even more disgusting than we imagined!"

"If Zixuan hadn't stepped forward, we don't know how long we would have been deceived by this kind of person!"

Han Zixuan was surrounded by a group of chattering people. Faced with the compliments of everyone, she said with a clear face, "Everyone has their own ambitions. In order to climb up, there is nothing that some people cannot do. But, what do others do? It has nothing to do with me, for me, I have my principles and bottom line."

"Zixuan, how can a person like you compare with you? If you rely on such dirty means to get to the top, you will still be despised no matter how high you climb!"

"The atmosphere in the entertainment industry is ruined by people like this!"

At this time, a young artist looked around and said excitedly, "By the way, I heard that Ning Xi is also on the invitation list for today's charity dinner. Why haven't I seen her yet?"

The people next to her immediately sneered, "After such a scandal, how could she dare to show up? She's not afraid of being drowned by someone spitting foam!"

"She must be hiding at home and not daring to see anyone! What's more, we Zixuan are here today, so she hasn't stayed far away!"

While everyone was looking at each other and taunting each other, a burst of noise suddenly came from the entrance of the banquet hall.

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the entrance, and the next second, a stunning figure appeared under the flashlights of the media.

After everyone surrounding Han Zixuan saw that figure clearly, they couldn't help but gasp.

I saw Ning Xi in a black evening dress standing alone on the red carpet. Her flawless face attracted everyone present. Countless cameras were fixed on her body at this moment, greedily capturing her raising her hands. The allure between the feet.

The pure black sets off that stunning face, just like the black night sets off thousands of stars, which is dazzling.

To everyone's surprise, Ning Xi not only did not miss the event, but arrived on time. She didn't even look as down and out as they had imagined. As soon as she came out on the red carpet, she immediately killed all the female artists present.

Han Zixuan looked at the reporters who were frantically taking pictures of Ning Xi. She looked at Ning Xi's gorgeous face as always on the red carpet, her eyes filled with crazy jealousy.

It took a long time for the female artists around Han Zixuan to come back to their senses. Apart from surprise, all of them had eyes similar to Han Zixuan's.

"'s actually Ning Xi!"

"Oh my god! It's really her! She actually has the nerve to come here? If it were me, I might as well just hit her to death!"

"The bitch is so shameless! Is there anything she can't do?"

Han Zixuan listened to the ridicule around her and thought about Ning Xi's fate in the future, and then she calmed down again. She watched Ning Xi enter the venue and was immediately surrounded by a group of crazy reporters.

"Miss Ning Xi, do you have anything to explain about the recent revelations about you online?"

"As for what Miss Ning Xueluo said about you always loving Mr. Su and being entangled with him, is it true?"

"Is the late-night tryst between you and Mr. Su in the video true? Did you really interfere in the marriage between Mr. Su and Miss Ning Xueluo?"

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