Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2014 Indescribable Picture

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Seeing Ning Xi being despised by everyone, Han Zixuan finally let go of the bad temper she had been feeling for the past few days.

When she looked at Ning Xi, she pretended to be disappointed and sighed softly, "Ning Xi, I respect you as a senior. I didn't want to reach this point, but I didn't expect that until now you are unwilling to face and give up. Let everyone explain.

Don’t you still think it’s wrong for you to destroy other people’s families and seduce married women? It really makes me feel sick to stand in the same venue with a third party like you. "

Under the banner of seeking justice for Ning Xueluo, Han Zixuan stood on the moral high ground and spoke loudly every word. Even if her words were harsh, no one would think there was anything wrong. On the contrary, it attracted the support of many people.

Ning Xi was still sitting where she was, leaning her head with one hand. Looking at Han Zixuan's indignant and righteous attitude, an intriguing smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth, and a look that was almost pity appeared at the corner of her slightly raised eyes. , "Do you want an explanation? Then I will... give you an explanation."

After Ning Xi finished speaking, she turned her head and glanced at Xu Tao beside her.

Xu Tao had already been anxious and scratching his heart and lungs, but now he finally received the instruction from Her Lady Queen, and he flew onto the stage happily like a little sparrow being let out of its cage.

When everyone saw Xu Tao suddenly walking towards the stage, they all whispered to each other and looked suspicious.

"What kind of tricks does Xu Tao want to play?"

"Xu Tao is the best at brainwashing fans. Could it be that he wants to play the emotional card and say that Ning Xi and Su Yan are talking about true love? That would be disgusting!"

"Wouldn't it be necessary to erect a memorial arch if you become a concubine?"

"Perhaps you just announced your retirement from the entertainment industry?"

Under the stage, Han Zixuan and Zheng Anru watched Xu Tao walk up with cold eyes. At the same time, all the reporters also pointed their cameras at Xu Tao on the stage.

At this time, Xu Tao didn't know what he said to the host, and then walked towards the projector and tinkered with it for a while.

Not long after, the big screen on the stage that had been turned off suddenly came back on.

No buffer!

No warning!

A huge, indescribable, and extremely explosive video caught everyone's attention unexpectedly.

"Hmm...ah...ah...faster...deeper...deeper...Mr. Yi, you are so good...I want more..."

"Pfft, cough cough cough..." A mouthful of water from the mouth of a reporter who was drinking water sprayed directly onto the back of the head of a reporter in front.

One female artist was so frightened that she dropped the makeup mirror she was holding on to the ground. The host on the side of the stage who was also watching the gossip was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Oh my God! This is so unsightly! What is Xu Tao doing? Is he crazy?"

"Pfft, did you take the wrong USB flash drive? Xu Tao has a bit of a taste! He actually likes such a slutty girl?"

Just when everyone was laughing and laughing, no one noticed that in the corner...

Han Zixuan was stunned as if she had been struck by lightning.

Following the ambiguous groan in the video, the blood on Han Zixuan's face quickly faded, and the thick foundation on her cheeks could no longer hide her pale and bluish complexion.

how so!


Stop it! ! !

Han Zixuan's heart was filled with crazy roars, but when everyone despised the men and women in this video, the blood all over her body seemed to be frozen, and a cold air came from the soles of her feet, almost freezing her limbs. She was so stiff that she couldn't even make a sound.

Turn it off! Turn it off!

However, God did not hear Han Zixuan's inner roar. In the next second, the camera on the big screen suddenly switched, and a very familiar face suddenly appeared in the video.

Wearing sexy black underwear, with big waves, and an expression of enjoyment on her is none other than Han Zixuan herself!

The man in the video was also recognized by everyone. He was actually the former general manager of Shengshi Entertainment, Yi Xudong!

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