Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2047 The truth comes out

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

At this moment, the domestic fans who had just vowed to protect History and madly bit Gong Shangze were all dumbfounded.

"What...what's going on! The colorful feather coat is not the work of Dai Wei at all, but the work of Gong Shangze?"

"Oh my God! Dai Wei has been lying from beginning to end. He really stole Ze Ling's design, and even all his famous works were designed by Gong Shangze! How could this be! It's completely shattered! "

Amidst the shock on the screen, some people still refused to give up, "Even if it is proven that Dai Wei did not make the Nishang Yuyi himself, does that not prove that the design draft was not completed by him?"

Such remarks were immediately criticized by many people.

"Some people always say that others are stupid, but I think they themselves are just stupid! At this time, they are still cleaning up Dai Wei. If the design draft of Nishang Yuyi was not drawn by Gong Shangze, then Gong Shangze Did Ze make these sets of clothes out of thin air?"

"Obviously he didn't make the clothes, but he still pretended to be cool in front of the whole world, saying that he made them himself, and showing off how great his skills were. He still didn't repent when he saw Gong Shangze's name on the clothes. He continued to make false accusations without changing his expression, saying that someone else had tampered with him.

After it was revealed on the spot that the double-sided three-different embroidery could not be tampered with, he shamelessly gave the ridiculous reason that he embroidered Gong Shangze's name on his clothes just to motivate himself! It wasn't until I was slapped in the face by Qu Guanyang that I finally had nothing to say!

As the chief designer of the brand, the so-called first person in the international Chinese style, his words and deeds are so inconsistent, and he is lying from beginning to end. How credible is the words of such a person? It is indeed doubtful whether his previous works are original to him! Anyway, this time I side with Gong Shangze! "

Many people then asked, "But how could Gong Shangze's design be stolen by Dai Wei? Not only was the design draft registered by Dai Wei, but even the ready-made clothes fell into Dai Wei's hands. This is really too much. Strange!"

Not only the viewers who are watching the live broadcast, this question is also strange to all the guests and industry insiders at the scene.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes, including Arcas and Qu Guanyang, fell on Gong Shangze.

Facing the eyes from all over the world, Gong Shangze's heart surged. He had waited for so long, endured this secret for so long, and finally someone was willing to listen to him, and he finally gained the right to speak...

The young man took a deep breath and then slowly began to say:

"Back then, Dai Wei and I co-founded a clothing studio called Nishang. Because I was not good at socializing and dealing with people, I was responsible for the design, and Dai Wei was responsible for all operations of the studio.

Our studio went from being ignored at the beginning to being known by more and more people. Later, our studio opened abroad and began to seek a broader world.

Gradually, many investors began to want to cooperate with us.

I have always regarded Dai Wei as my most trusted partner. He never interferes in any affairs of the studio and only concentrates on creation. All designs are also entrusted to him for safekeeping.

Unexpectedly, he had already secretly registered all my designs in his own name. After transferring all my designs, he looted the studio and signed a separate contract with investors, completely obliterating me and the existence of Nishang. , founded the later History! "

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