Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2063 Boss, you are finally back!

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Just like that, Ning Xi and a group of five people pressed down on the little boss and the gangster and killed that Solomon.

On the way, Tang Ye pondered, "If the Solomon they are talking about is the same one I know, then this Solomon should have been the largest organization in Europe at the time, but then gradually declined, and the current boss is one of the leaders of all generations. The weakest one, he was almost usurped by his deputy back then...Tang Xi, how could you provoke Solomon's people?"

Ning Xi shrugged, looking innocent, "I'm confused too! I have no idea where I recruited them!"

Feng Xiaoxiao on the side waved his hand nonchalantly, "Go and catch their idiot boss and torture him, won't you know?"

Arrive at the entrance of the headquarters.

Tang Lang kicked the little skeleton's head against the door, making a huge noise.

Soon, a burst of messy footsteps sounded, and the people inside were awakened.

"Who!!!" A big white man who was at least two meters tall rushed out. After seeing the twitching skeleton man lying on the ground, his face suddenly turned gloomy, "Jason! What's going on?"

After saying that, he looked at Ning Xi, Tang Ye and the other five people at the door with a gloomy look, "Who are you! You dare to touch even Solomon's people! Do you want your life?"

When Jason heard this, he immediately trembled in fright, "Joseph, please keep your voice down...please keep your voice down..."

After speaking, he whispered a few words into the man's ear, with a look of fear on his face.


Seeing the two of them whispering together, Tang Lang yawned impatiently, "Who is your boss? Let him speak out!"

After hearing Jason's words, Joseph's eyes became much more cautious, "Is our boss the one you can meet if you want? Who are you guys? Tell me your name!"

Feng Xiaoxiao waved the whip in her hand, "You are not qualified to know my aunt's name."

Joseph glanced at the whip in Feng Xiaoxiao's hand, and his expression suddenly changed slightly. The next second, after noticing the gold-rimmed glasses on Tang Ye's face, his face turned pale again, and then he looked at Tang Lang's almost iconic curly hair. , the legs began to feel weak, "You...could it be that guys are..."


Could these people be legendary...

It can be seen that the characteristics are really all right!

It seems that the only thing left is Tang Xi, the "Thousand-faced Ghost Hand"...

Uh, could it be that that fragile-looking beauty is Tang Xi in disguise?

Who is the long-haired man next to the beauty?

If they are really these four people, then wouldn't the man who can travel with these four people have a more terrifying identity?

Joseph almost didn't dare to think about it anymore.

At this moment, there was a sound of heavy footsteps behind him.

Several people strode out of the door.

The person walking in front was a middle-aged man, and next to the middle-aged man was a bald man.

"Boss!" When they saw the middle-aged man, Joseph, Jason and the minions immediately lowered their heads and shouted with great respect.

When Tang Lang saw the rightful owner coming out, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you Solomon's boss?"

The middle-aged man looked at these five people one by one who were obviously here to cause trouble.

Just as he was about to speak, his eyes fell on a girl among the five who was wearing a pink dress and looked delicate and cute. The next second, his expression suddenly changed——

The middle-aged man seemed to have been struck by lightning. He stared straight in Ning Xi's direction with his wide eyes. Then his originally fierce eyes suddenly filled with tears. He was as excited and aggrieved as an abandoned pet seeing its owner. Staring at Ning Xi - "Boss! Boss, you are finally back!!!"

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