Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2068: Force her to death

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Ning Yaohua was unaware of Ning Xueluo's true thoughts, and said sincerely, "Xueluo, I have really worked hard for you over the years. You are a girl who is in public every day and is busy working for the company. Waiting for your brother to grow up." Adult, if you take over the company, the burden on your shoulders will be relieved!

Before, I was always worried that your mother and I would have only one daughter. Now, a hundred years from now, you two siblings will still have each other's companions, and your mother and I can feel at ease! "


younger brother……

that's true!

These two people must have gone for a check-up long ago to confirm that the baby in their belly is a boy, the long-awaited heir of the Ning family, otherwise how could they be so happy.

Ning Xueluo was so angry that she was shaking with anger as she listened to every word of Ning Yaohua's words.

When my younger brother grows up, he will take over the company!

She had gone to great lengths to force Ning Xi away because she was the only daughter they had, so they could be so devoted to her. If they had a son now, who was still their biological flesh and blood, would she still have a place in the Ning family?

It's clear that they are burning bridges after having a biological son, and they talk nicely about having each other's company and feeling sorry for her hard work!

This is just throwing her away after using it without any consideration for her.

Now that her situation in the Su family is already so difficult, Zhuang Lingyu is actually pregnant at this time. She is still pregnant with a boy, the future heir of the Ning family. This is simply forcing her to die!

Ning Xueluo swallowed the mouthful of blood, her face full of surprise and smile, "This is really great, great, congratulations to my parents!"

Zhuang Lingyu took Ning Xueluo's hand, "Thank you Xueluo, don't worry Xueluo, we won't ignore you just because we have a younger brother. You will always be mother's most precious daughter!"

Ning Xueluo sneered in her heart, but on her face she looked extremely happy for her. She said movedly, "Mom, of course I know! I have always hoped that I could have a companion, and even more so, a younger brother. In the future, you can honor my parents with me, and you can also support me!"

Hearing Ning Xueluo say this, Ning Yaohua's last uneasiness and worry were safely put to rest, and he immediately said, "Of course it is for sure! If your brother doesn't support you, who else can he support you?"

Zhuang Lingyu was originally worried that Ning Xueluo would be unhappy. Now seeing Ning Xueluo's attitude, she was relieved and said in a gentle tone, "Just stay at home for a few more days during this period! Mom will make up for it for you." repair!"

The smile on Ning Xueluo's face became even brighter, and she said with expectation, "Mom, you are the one, you must take good care of my brother! It just so happens that the child in my belly can still keep my brother company!"

Seeing the mother and daughter looking happy, Ning Yaohua nodded with satisfaction, put on a fatherly expression, and took the opportunity to say, "Xueluo, I will pay more attention to things in the company during this time, and you will too. Don't worry about it, just rest at home with your mother."

When Ning Xueluo heard this, her back stiffened slightly and her nails dug into her palms.

Oh, she finally got rid of that bitch Ning Xi, and also got all the shares from Ning Yaohua and Ning Yaobang, and took control of the real power of the company.

Now, just because of this unborn child, he is trying to take back the power in her hands step by step and pave the way for his precious son?

What a loving father with good intentions...

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