Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2070 The love rival is too perverted

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Finally, a certain golden retriever with rabies rushed in.

"Ning Xiaoxi, if you can, don't hide behind my uncle!"

Ning Xi curled her lips, "Am I stupid for not hiding?"

After finishing speaking, he continued to gossip, "Hey, Jiang Muye, what happened to you, Orlando, to make you so angry?"

Jiang Muye covered his chest and almost vomited blood, "I am obviously very angry with you!!!"

Ning Xi murmured weakly, "Please, you are a grown man who is afraid of him! He can even eat you! When two scum meet, one will be stronger! I think with your skills, you can definitely kill him instantly!"

Jiang Muye gritted his teeth, "Thank you so much for being so confident in me!"

"Besides, Orlando is far away in Country M anyway..." Ning Xi was still struggling.

"Fart, "The Thunderbolts" will be released the day after tomorrow, and that guy has been in China all this time!" Jiang Muye's expression was about to collapse.

Ning Xi reacted immediately, patted her chest and sighed as if she was recovering from a disaster, "That's right! Emma is lucky..."

Fortunately, Jiang Muye helped her block this disaster!

"Ning Xiaoxi!" Jiang Muye started to explode again. As expected, this bastard deliberately used him as a shield.

Ning Xi was yelled to the point where her hair was blowing...

At this moment, Lu Tingxiao hugged his young wife, looked at Jiang Muye and said, "Your mother just called me."

The moment Lu Tingxiao finished speaking, Jiang Muye suddenly became spartan, "Damn! My mother! What did my mother tell you?"

Every time his mother comes to see Lu Tingxiao, it's bound to be bad!

Sure enough, just as Jiang Muye was thinking this, he heard Lu Tingxiao say, "Discuss your marriage with me."

"Fuck you!" Jiang Muye suddenly cursed, couldn't his mother just calm down for a while?

He knew that what he feared the most was his uncle, Lu Tingxiao, so he always used Lu Tingxiao to pressure him and force him to get married.

"I pushed it for you. You are busy with your career now, so there is no need to worry about your marriage."

Jiang Muye had a look of death on his face, but when he suddenly heard these words, he felt like he was being illuminated by Buddha's light. He was so excited that he almost burst into tears, "Yes, yes! Uncle, you are absolutely right!"

You know, no matter who it is, no matter who it is, one sentence from Lu Tingxiao will be useless in front of his mother.

With Lu Tingxiao's golden words, he wouldn't have to be forced to get married again for at least a year!

Jiang Muye carefully considered this deal and decided was not a loss!

"Hmph, forget it, just think of it as my righteousness to help you stop this time!"

What the heck, he was one of the best among the prodigal sons at that time. He couldn't stand a single leaf among thousands of flowers, and he was afraid that he might not be able to deal with that guy in Orlando!

"Oh my dear, you are so awesome~"

As soon as Jiang Muye calmed down, he saw someone holding his sweetheart in his arms and kissing him.

Please! It's me who sacrificed, and I'm the one who helped you!

Forget it...


Jiang Muye gritted his teeth in anger when he saw the two people in front of him who were disrespectful to show their affection.

At this time, Jiang Muye didn't know what he thought of, and Jiang Muye's expression suddenly froze...

I don’t know when...

Seeing these two people together, he was no longer so bitter and uncomfortable. He just felt like a friend or even a relative...

Hey, Lu Tingxiao, that guy's eyes are too poisonous!

I was afraid that I had already seen that he had given up, so I kindly helped him push the blind date!

Come on, the love rival is too perverted, and the person he likes is even more perverted. He loses all his temper...

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