Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2072 Chaos

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Just when several people were protecting Zhuang Lingyu and preparing to get into the car, something unexpected happened——

A black motorcycle with a loud roar suddenly rushed towards several people from a distance.

"Ma'am, be careful!!!"

The driver narrowly protected Zhuang Lingyu and hid behind.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, the heavy-duty motorcycle unexpectedly changed its direction midway and hit several people again. Strictly speaking, it hit Zhuang Lingyu straight away!

The opponent's speed was too fast. This time, Zhuang Lingyu couldn't escape.

By the time the maid and driver reacted, Zhuang Lingyu had been knocked more than a meter away and fell directly into a pool of blood, unconscious on the spot.

And the heavy-duty motorcycle didn't even wait for them to see what it looked like before it had already sped away and completely disappeared into the crowd.

"Ah--killing...killing! Killing!!!"


The two maids screamed, and the driver was completely frightened. After a moment, his expression changed drastically and he ran over, "Madam!!! Call! Call Director Ning and the eldest lady quickly! Hurry!"

When the passers-by onlookers noticed what was going on here, they all exclaimed in surprise and gathered around muttering, and the scene suddenly became a mess.

"what's up?"

"It looks like I was hit by a car!"

“There seems to be some speedsters snatching bags nearby recently, but I’ve never heard of anyone getting killed!”

"Oh, this seems to be a pregnant woman! I'm afraid the child may be dead..."

"I just saw that car rushing past with such ferocity that it would probably kill adults, let alone children. Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Hospital, in the VIP ward.

The middle-aged woman on the hospital bed was sweating profusely and her face was as pale as paper.

Zhuang Lingyu opened her eyes drowsily, feeling as if her whole body was falling apart, and her lower abdomen was experiencing severe throbbing pain.

Blurred vision swept across the room.

Ning Yaohua, Ning Xueluo, Su Yan, Zheng Minjun and Su Hongguang were all there, as well as the two maids and driver who had just gone shopping with her.

The atmosphere in the whole room was extremely dull and dull. Ning Xueluo lowered her head, sobbing with tears on her face. Ning Yaohua's face was extremely expressionless. The three people from the Su family could not see any expressions, and the two little maids and The driver's face was pale and he was standing in the corner shivering.

"I...what's wrong with me..." Zhuang Lingyu asked a little sluggishly.

The moment she spoke, she suddenly remembered what happened. She had just finished shopping and was about to go home, but she was hit by a car that was on the rampage, and then she lost consciousness...

At this moment, looking at the ward she was in and the reactions of everyone in the room, Zhuang Lingyu's face was full of fear, and she eagerly stretched out her hand to hold her stomach, "Where is the child? How is my child? Is the child Isn’t it okay?”

Ning Xueluo seemed to be unable to hold on anymore, and cried and threw herself in front of Zhuang Lingyu's bed, "Mom! Don't be too sad! It doesn't matter if the child is gone, as long as you are okay!"

The child is gone...

These four words were like a bolt from the blue. Zhuang Lingyu's eyes went dark, and she said in a hissing voice, "Xueluo, what did you say! What did you just say! The child is gone! How could the child be gone!"

At this moment, Ning Yaohua's eyes were filled with scarlet color, and his body was trembling violently. He was obviously extremely angry. He turned around and kicked the driver, "You bastards! How did you take care of my wife? Take care of me." How could my wife get hit by a car while walking down the street!!!"

Gone! His son is gone!

The son he had finally hoped for, his heir, was just gone!

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