Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2077 Miss you, miss you, miss you

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Han Momo's face flushed when she overheard her mother's words, "Mom, don't talk nonsense!"

Ning Xi chuckled carelessly, "Momo has a good personality, is beautiful, and is very popular in the company."

"Oh, is it true?" Mother Han said modestly, but just by her tone she could tell she was happy.

Ning Xi chatted with Mother Han for a long time before hanging up the phone, and asked Mother Han to give up the idea of ​​urging her to find a boyfriend. Han Momo was so grateful that she couldn't wait to commit herself to him.

"Brother Xi, you're lucky you're not a man, otherwise these little girls in our company would have to fight every day!"

Ning Xi looked at the little girl's back as she skipped away, smiled and shook her head.

When she was in the Tang family, due to the preference for boys over girls, she was basically a transparent person. She was lucky to survive without being thrown away. After returning to the Ning family, she finally no longer was a transparent person, but became a person who was inquisitive about everything. Living on thin ice under the harsh gaze...

She seems to have never experienced what ordinary people's lives are like, and how to get along with their parents...

While I was lost in thought, the text message ringtone on my cell phone suddenly rang.

Lu Tingxiao, who had just gone to country F on a business trip in the morning, sent several text messages in succession:

[As the temperature drops this afternoon, I asked Wanwan to give you some clothes. Remember to put them on and don’t be too cold. ]

[I've soaked the bird's nest for you. Just put it in and set it to automatically stew. Remember to eat it. ]

[I've read that script for you. It's very suitable for you. You can take it. ]

[Miss me? ]

Seeing the last three words, Ning Xi couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly.

Please, can we not see each other for only five hours? He should have just gotten off the plane right now, right?

Ning Xi lay on the table and replied with a text message with a smile: "The first second after you left, I missed you. The second second after you left, I missed you. The third second after you left, I missed you. I missed you. You...I have thought of you eighteen thousand times..."

The front hall of Zeling was filled with noisy discussions at the moment.

A group of employees poked their heads and looked over after hearing the commotion here.

"Ms. Ning, I'm sorry, you can't go in without a reservation!"

"Miss Ning! Don't go in again! Please don't embarrass us!"

"Miss Ning...Miss Ning..."

I saw the front desk employee stopping a woman, and the person being stopped turned out to be History's boss, Ning Xueluo.

"What's going on? Why did Ning Xueluo come to our territory?"

"Damn! Does she still want to cause trouble?"

"I don't think so! Why are you here alone when you are making such a mess?"

"What the hell did you do again! It must be up to no good!"

Everyone saw that Ning Xueluo seemed to be very excited at this moment. No matter how much the receptionist tried to persuade her, she would not listen and kept repeating, "I have an urgent matter with Ning Xi! Please let her come out to see me!"

Seeing that the employees were still not allowed to enter, Ning Xueluo rushed in emotionally, "Sister! Don't hide from me! Things between us should come to an end! In the past, no matter what you did to me, I You can tolerate it, but this time, you have gone too far! If you have any grudges, just point them at me, I will bear them all! Why do you want to attack your mother! Even innocent children are not spared! "

The amount of information Ning Xueluo said was so overwhelming that almost all the surrounding employees were confused for a moment.

"Then what exactly is Ning Xueluo talking about?"

"It seems that our boss attacked the mother or something? And that he didn't even spare the child?"


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