Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2086 Not worthy

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

In the corner, Su Yan stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

From the moment Lu Tingxiao walked up to Ning Xi and took her hand, his mind went blank. He stared at the perfectly matched pair and completely lost the ability to think.

As for Ning Xueluo, who was lying on the hospital bed, there was a gloomy deathly silence.

Look at Lu Tingxiao and Ning Xi's hands holding each other affectionately, look at the ring on Ning Xi's neck that she had never noticed before, look at Lu Tingxiao politely greeting the old man, look at Lu Jingli talking to Ning Qiutong Very happy... The poisonous madness called jealousy corroded her internal organs...

How can it be……

How can it be! ! !

The person Ning Xi married... turned out to be Lu Tingxiao!

It turned out to be Lu Tingxiao...

"Second Young Master Lu, I...I am Ning Yaohua, Xiao Xi's father! Last time you came to the Lu family to pick up Xiao Xi, we met!" Probably because he felt that Lu Jingli was easier to talk to, Ning Yaohua took every opportunity to join in. Go up and get close.

Damn it, no wonder it was Lu Jingli who personally came to pick up Ning Xi during his birthday party.

At that time, he had always suspected that Ning Xi had something to do with Lu Jingli. How could he have imagined that it was not Lu Jingli, but Lu Tingxiao!

At this moment, he was so regretful that his intestines were blue, and he was so regretful that he wanted to hit the wall.

Ning Qiutong looked at Ning Yaohua and smiled coldly, "Oh, I have been treating a white-eyed wolf as a living treasure all day long. When I saw that she married the Su family, I felt that she had married into some great family. I wanted to show off all day long. , why, now that Xiao Xi married well, do you regret it again? "

Ning Yaohua's face turned blue and white as he was squeezed out, "What do I regret? Xiao Xi married well, so I am naturally happy for her."

Ning Qiutong laughed out loud, "I don't know who was calling the police just now, calling the police, and saying that it's no use even if the King of Heaven is here?"

At this time, Zhuang Lingyu next to her finally couldn't bear it anymore, "She did such a vicious thing. Is it wrong for us to do this?"

After speaking, he looked at Lu Tingxiao and said, "Mr. Lu, no matter how powerful your Lu family is, you cannot ignore the law. It is a fact that Ning Xi killed two people!"

"Ah..." At this time, Ning Xueluo, who was on the hospital bed, covered her stomach and moaned in pain.

Everyone's attention was immediately diverted back to Ning Xueluo.

"Xueluo, what's wrong with you?"

"My stomach... my stomach hurts..." Ning Xueluo's face was bloodless and she was dying. Her whole body was like a withered flower, which was extremely arousing sympathy and pity.

"You have been poisoned too deeply. The doctor said it will be a little painful, so bear with it!"

"Hey, what a sin..."

Seeing Ning Xueluo like this, the eyes of people in the ward towards Ning Xi gradually changed.

Ning Xi's life is so good now, but Ning Xueluo has been harmed like this. It's too much to bully others just because she married Lu Tingxiao.

Zhuang Lingyu walked quickly to the hospital bed, her face full of anxiety and distress.

At this time, Zheng Minjun on the side also took the opportunity to speak, "Mr. Lu, I'm afraid you don't know yet. This woman is very vicious. Just because of a small conflict, she not only killed her biological mother's child, but also poisoned her. The flesh and blood of our Su family has also been harmed! How can such a person be worthy of marrying into the Lu family! It is simply a stain on the family lintel!"

Ning Xueluo's face was full of sorrow and despair, but her secret eyes were staring in Ning Xi's direction with great resentment.

OK... just right... Ning Xi! This time I will leave you with nothing and let you taste the feeling of falling from heaven to hell!

Lu Tingxiao's cold eyes didn't even give a single glance to those who were constantly provoking. He lowered his eyes and looked at the little wife beside him intently, "Yes, but he doesn't deserve it."

Zheng Minjun was shocked, thinking that Lu Tingxiao had listened to her words. The next second, she heard Lu Tingxiao continue to say, "The Lu family and I are not good enough for Xiao Xi."

Everyone: "..." They were all blinded by the abuse.

Lu Jingli: "..." He knew it.

[PS: The following plot is not suitable for dissemination, so please wait until I finish writing and post it all at once]

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