Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2088 This is absolutely impossible

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Ning Xi gently touched the phone in her hand, "I'm just curious. I didn't expect that pregnant people would have such weird preferences. A girl as gentle and ladylike as Miss Ning would suddenly like motorcycles... She's still pregnant. Under such circumstances, I was riding a bicycle alone in the wilderness late at night..."

Ning Xueluo's calm expression finally showed a crack, and her face twitched violently, but only for a moment, she returned to her perfect sad and angry expression, "Sister, I don't understand what you are talking about, I just I’m curious, so I asked the professionals to find out. How could I go riding on my own and go out in the middle of the night after suffering from eye addiction..."

Ning Xueluo's heart was full of sneers, Hey, Ning Xi, you want to blow me up? You must have thought that I was too stupid!

Seeing that Ning Xi was becoming more and more outrageous, Zhuang Lingyu's face became even more ugly, "Ning Xi, what do you really want to say when you talk a lot of nonsense here! Even if it's snowing, why does riding a motorcycle at night bother you? It’s over!”

Ning Xi shrugged and said nonchalantly, "Of course it doesn't bother me. After all... the child she knocked away... wasn't my child."

The moment Ning Xi finished speaking, the whispers in the room suddenly fell into deathly silence, and Zhuang Lingyu's expression completely froze on her face.

"My sweetheart, please turn off the light for me."

Lu Tingxiao stretched out his long hand, and the room suddenly became dark.

The next second, Ning Xi tapped on the phone in her hand, and an image was suddenly projected on the large white wall behind everyone.

There was no sound in this video, and it was probably at night, so the light was very blurry.

The picture remained static for three seconds, and then a black motorcycle appeared on the projection.

The moment she saw the motorcycle, Zhuang Lingyu's pupils suddenly shrank, "That car... was the car that hit me... the same car that hit me!!!"

Although it only happened for a split second when she was hit, she would never forget the look of the car.

After hearing Zhuang Lingyu's words, everyone was in an uproar and immediately stared at the wall.

The scene in the picture seemed to be a deserted scrap car treatment plant. After getting off the motorcycle, the owner first took off all the clothes he was wearing, including his gloves and helmet, then pushed the motorcycle to the ground and picked up the motorcycle next to him. Gasoline, light the lighter in your hand and throw it towards the motorcycle...

With a "bang", everything disappeared in the flames.

At the same time, the rising flame suddenly illuminated the face of the motorcycle owner——

That was not a man, but a weak-looking woman...

That's... Ning... Ning Xueluo! ! !

The moment they saw that face clearly, everyone at the ward door was stunned. Everyone looked at Ning Xueluo on the hospital bed in disbelief.

Zhuang Lingyu opened her mouth wide and stared at the screen, unable to come to her senses.

"What...what's going can this person be Xueluo!"

"But that face is definitely Ning Xueluo! When the fire started just now, you could see it clearly! After she took off her outer clothes, her belly was even visible!"

"Impossible...impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

The moment a familiar scene appeared on the projection on the wall, Ning Xueluo's expression changed. In just a few seconds of video, she felt as if she had walked away from hell. When her face was illuminated by the fire, she appeared. The moment she was in front of everyone, she was completely stunned.

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