Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2109 Photos from that year

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Ning Xi glanced at the idiot beside her speechlessly, but she really wanted to see the photos of Lu Tingxiao when he was a child. Would he look exactly like Xiaobao?

The second young master had a rare welfare event and exposed Mr. Lu's childhood photos. Everyone looked up at the big screen with interest.

A photo slowly cut in. The background was in a hospital, with a sign for Obstetrics and Gynecology at the door, and a girl with a big belly sitting on the bench next to her...

The moment he saw this photo, Lu Jingli's expression changed instantly.

Because the pregnant woman in the Ning Xi! ! !

Although the girl's face looked much more immature than it does now, it could still be seen that it was Ning Xi.

In a brief moment of confusion, countless photos flashed on the big screen. One after another, they were all photos of Ning Xi with a big belly. They were in hospitals, on the road, in parks...

"Huh? What...what's going on!"

"The person in that photo is Ning Xi, right?"

"She looks very young, but it must be Ning Xi! But why is Ning Xi sitting in front of the obstetrics and gynecology department with her big belly?"

"Holy shit!" Lu Jingli's face suddenly darkened, and he was about to pull out the CD, but was held down by a broad hand.

If the playback is suddenly stopped at this time, it will only cause greater speculation, and it will be even more unclear by then.

At this moment, after seeing the photo, Ning Xi's face turned completely pale and she fell into a trance.

After Lu Tingxiao stopped Lu Jingli from pulling out the CD, he stretched out his arms and hugged the girl's slightly trembling shoulders, "It's okay."

Lu Tingxiao looked at those photos intently, watching Ning Xi carrying Xiaobao, walking alone, shopping alone, and going to the hospital alone. There was an indescribable expression between his eyebrows, and the strength of his arms around the girl unconsciously became stronger and stronger. tight……

"Hahahaha..." At this moment, a sharp female voice suddenly sounded among the crowd.

A woman in a waiter's uniform stumbled out of the crowd and rushed under the big screen, shouting like she was crazy, "What a daughter of a famous family, what a proud daughter of heaven!" This woman was raped by a wild man at the age of eighteen. She's pregnant, but she still pretends to be so pure and noble in front of you! She's just a rag! She's a shameless pretense!"

After everyone saw Ning Xueluo, they were even more shocked.

"Ah...that woman seems to be Ning Xueluo?"

"Yes, that's her! That adopted daughter of the Ning family! The one who was just kicked out of the house by the Ning family!"

Because Ning Xueluo's recent affairs were so hot, many people present recognized her.

When combined with her relationship with Ning Xi, everyone believed in those photos even more.

If it was Ning Xueluo, it would be normal for her to know these secrets of Ning Xi. Did she sneak in to take revenge on Ning Xi?

I never expected that such a big thing would happen at Lu Tingxiao's birthday party today...

Lu Tingxiao's wife, the head matron of the Lu family, was exposed to such a big scandal.

Unmarried and pregnant at eighteen? !

"Oh my god! No way! Is what Ning Xueluo said true or false? Ning Xi got pregnant by a wild man when she was eighteen years old?"

"Does the Lu family know about this? Does Lu Tingxiao know?"

"You must not know! Otherwise, how could you possibly marry such a woman! It's so terrible! It's true that the private lives of women in the entertainment industry are so messy!"

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