Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2120 Instant Change

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

"Annie..." Tang Lang and Feng Xiaoxiao cried out the name at the same time.

Tang Ye's eyes behind the lenses were full of shock, and shock flashed across Yun Shen's face.

Ning Xi stared at the face frozen on the screen, opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word for a long time.


How could it be Annie!

However, the girl on the mobile phone screen had a delicate, beautiful and young face that did not show her age. Her appearance was almost the same as that of Anne today, so that they all recognized her at a glance.

Annie's appearance itself is very small. In addition, she is probably good at medicine and is also proficient in facial care and health care. Ever since Ning Xi met her, her appearance seems to have not changed much. The little girl in her memory has always been this. look.

Ning Xi never expected that she would see such a face in the surveillance video from that year that they worked so hard to restore!

Before that, she had thought about countless possibilities and guesses in her mind, but she never expected that it would be Anne...

"This... how is this possible! There is absolutely no way it's my little cute Annie!!!" Feng Xiaoxiao leaned over and grabbed the phone from Lu Tingxiao's hand with some excitement, clicked on the video and played it again.

However, no matter how many times they saw it, that face was still very familiar to them. It was the little sister that they all doted on and loved, Annie.

"Damn! BOSS, is this monitoring really reliable?" Tang Lang scratched his hair impatiently.

Lu Tingxiao didn't speak, but his expression already answered the question.

He personally checked this monitoring from beginning to end, and it took a master commandant nearly half a month to restore it, so there was absolutely no way it could be wrong.

Just when Ning Xi and everyone else were shocked by this result and their brains were in chaos——

With a "ding" sound, the elevator door at the end of the corridor opened, and a burst of footsteps came from far to near.

"Brother Xi——"

Wearing a pastoral print cotton and linen skirt, the cute little girl called out to Ning Xi from a distance, and then ran briskly in the direction of Ning Xi and the others.

The moment she saw Annie, Ning Xi's back suddenly stiffened.

Tang Lang, Tang Ye, and Feng Xiaoxiao's expressions suddenly changed. Tang Lang subconsciously took a step forward and blocked Ning Xi's body, making a defensive posture.

Annie probably noticed something was wrong with Ning Xi's attitude, and stopped suspiciously three steps away from Ning Xi, her clear eyes hesitating, "Brother Xi, Brother Ye, Sister Xiaoxiao...what happened?" By the way, Brother Xi, who is sick?"

Tang Lang and Feng Xiaoxiao looked at each other without saying a word.

Tang Ye pursed his thin lips tightly, not knowing what to say.

For a moment, no one spoke, and the corridor fell into an eerie silence.

In the end, it was Lu Tingxiao who took the phone back from the stunned Feng Xiaoxiao, then walked up to Annie and handed the phone to Annie.

"Mr. Lu...?" Annie took the phone suspiciously, then subconsciously lowered her head to look at the phone.

On the mobile phone, the surveillance video from the hospital morgue is being played...

When Annie lowered her head to look, she happened to face the face of the man in black who turned around.

Almost at this moment, the aura around this lively and cute little girl in front of me changed instantly...

It's obviously still that childish and innocent face, but the innocence between the eyebrows instantly faded into a bone-chilling indifference, and those clean and clear eyes were covered with a layer of cold and dark light, with murderous intent. A strange aura surged out from it overwhelmingly, and the hostility in this narrow and empty corridor suddenly surged!

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