Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 213 Feeling like I'm doomed

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Finally rushed to the 307 ward.

Panting, Ning Xi bent over and was about to push the door, but Lu Jingli couldn't wait to push the door open in front of her.

A second later, before Ning Xi could see who was inside, Lu Jingli suddenly put down his face and closed the door, then grabbed her shoulders with both hands and pushed her out, "Xiao Xixi, let's go!" What the hell! I waited for so long and it turned out to be this guy! Just let him die!"

"Who the hell is this, your reaction?"

"You won't regret leaving anyway!"

"Su Yan?" Ning Xi raised her eyebrows and asked.

Lu Jingli put on a serious face, "It's his fault! You can go now!"

"It's him who can't leave!" Ning Xi brushed Lu Jingli's hand away, turned around and walked towards the ward again.

Lu Jingli stomped his feet anxiously, "Xiao Xixi, why do you care about him! You, you, you... don't you still have feelings for him?"

Ning Xi ignored him and walked directly into the ward.

It was indeed Su Yan who was in the ward, with gauze wrapped around his head, dripping in his hand, lying quietly on the hospital bed.

Ning Xi gently sat down on the edge of the bed, stretched out her hand to brush his messy hair, her face was gentle, and her tone was even gentler, "Brother Yan..."

Lu Jingli: "...!!!"

What the hell did he see! What did you hear!

Could it be that Ning Xi really has no feelings for this scumbag? Fortunately, his brother didn't come up, otherwise he wouldn't be crazy if he found out!

Just as Lu Jingli was thinking this way, he suddenly felt a chill coming from behind him, and then he turned his head and saw...

His brother was actually standing behind him! ! !

"Brother...Brother...why are you here?"

And Xiaobao and Jiang Muye in his arms, all three of them came.

With his brain power, he immediately guessed that Xiaobao must be impatient to come up, so his brother brought him here, and Jiang Muye couldn't help but follow up.

This... this is the end!

On the hospital bed, Su Yan frowned palely, then slowly opened his eyes, "Xiao Xi..."

"How are you feeling?" Ning Xi asked.

Su Yan looked at the girl in front of him in a trance, "Am I dreaming?"

Every time they met, they would quarrel with cynicism and then break up unhappy. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had seen her talking to him in a pleasant manner.

The moment he woke up just now, he caught a trace of worry and concern in her eyes, and even heard her call him Brother Yan...

Ning Xi stood on the edge of the bed, her expression returned to coolness, "You just finished the operation, the doctor said that there is no serious problem, but you have a concussion, you need to observe for a while, if there is nothing wrong, I will go first..."

Just as he was about to turn around after speaking, his wrist was grabbed——

"Don't go! Xiao Xi, don't go..."

"Any thing else?"

"I..." Su Yan looked at her struggling, and said in one breath, "Although I know you don't need it, but I'm sorry... I still want to say sorry to you! I misunderstood you! You know When I thought I was going to die, I thought of nothing else at that moment, and my only regret is that I haven't had time to apologize to you..."

Outside the door, Lu Jingli looked at Ning Xi's wrist that was being held by Su Yan, and swallowed tremblingly in fright, then turned around to see his brother's expression, it really wasn't as scary as usual...

She's really going crazy, what on earth is Xiao Xixi trying to do?

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