Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2131 Extraordinarily well-behaved

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Half an hour later, Lu Tingxiao and his group drove to Tianquan Villa.

At this moment, Tianquan Villa seems to be no different from usual, but in fact, it has long been under the control of the Roschel family.

Beneath the calm surface is a turbulent undercurrent.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Yun, please."

Outside the villa, an old man with an Asian face recognized them at a glance and led everyone into the villa.

"Everyone, please feel free to do so." After the old man brought a few people into the villa, he left first.

In the small garden with elegant scenery, there are two square round tables in the center, both of which are filled with all kinds of delicacies.

Han Xiao stared at the table full of delicacies, without any intention of being polite. He immediately picked a table and sat down and started eating and drinking.

"Master, don't eat it, if it's poisonous..." Feng Xiaoxiao said hurriedly.

Han Xiao is the main force this time. If he is poisoned to death due to gluttony, where will they go to reason...

"Don't worry, since grandpa dares to eat it, it must not be poisonous!" Tang Lang was inexplicably confident in Han Xiao.

Han Xiao seems to be carefree, an idiot with zero life skills, but in fact he is very thoughtful.

Han Xiao and Tang Lang ate happily, but Feng Xiaoxiao and Tang Ye insisted on remaining unmoved and it was better to play it safe.

Han Xiao, Tang Lang, Tang Ye, and Feng Xiaoxiao sat at the same table.

Ning Xi, Lu Tingxiao, Yun Shen, and Lu Jingli sat down at another table.

Lu Jingli kept looking around, with doubt on his face, "That's it?"

It seemed that there was nothing special about Tianquan Villa, not even anyone from the Rothschild family showed up.

What the hell are they doing.

Just as he was wondering, a burst of messy footsteps came from a distance.

"Mr. Yun, Mr. Lu, I am very happy that you two can come to the appointment. I am honored."

Accompanied by extremely fluent Chinese, the man walked from the villa like a star holding the moon, and walked to the table where Lu Tingxiao and Yun Shen were sitting.

The man had a standard Western face, was dressed in luxurious clothes, had an extraordinary bearing, and had a soft smile on his face.

However, there was a hint of evil hidden in his light blue eyes.

Surrounding the man were some men and women with solemn faces and formal attire, who looked like company executives and elite teams.

"Don't be polite, everyone, please take a seat!" The man sat down at the main seat and greeted with a smile. After speaking, he glanced at Ning Xi in a gentlemanly manner and said politely, "Is this Mrs. Lu? It's just like the legend. One of them is a beauty."

Ning Xi blinked her eyes and said nothing except for her patterned smile, just staying next to Lu Tingxiao and acting cute.

At the next table, Tang Lang, Tang Ye and Feng Xiaoxiao exchanged glances, always on guard.

As for a certain master... he ate as always without even raising his head...

"Are you the European Emperor?" Yun Shen stared at the man for a moment and smiled meaningfully, "I didn't expect that the head of the famous Rothschild family in Europe would be so young?"

These words are obviously doubting the identity of the man in front of me.

The man didn't care, smiled, and replied politely: "Mr. Yun, that's not the case. The European Emperor is just a title passed down. I am not the European Emperor."

"Everyone has arrived. Third Young Master, you can speak directly if you have anything to say." From the side, Lu Tingxiao spoke in an indifferent tone.

Hearing Lu Tingxiao's "Third Young Master", a hint of surprise suddenly appeared in the man's light blue eyes.

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