Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2142 Never Divorce

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

After returning, Ning Xi immediately fed Xiaobao the antidote, and Xiaobao's body recovered day by day.

Ning Xi tried to contact Han Xiao and Annie several times, but unfortunately she never heard from them again.

As for the outside world, the Lu Group has stood firm despite the storm, foreign capital has withdrawn from the Chinese market, and an economic crisis has gradually dissipated.

Soon afterwards, to the surprise of the entire business community, Yunlan Venture Capital, which had strong momentum, chose to retreat at this time and completely withdrew from the Chinese market.

half year later.

A large-scale transnational drug smuggling case is about to go to court. What is concerning is that one of the criminals is actually Ning Xueluo, a once-popular actress in the entertainment industry. Ning Xueluo, the young mistress of Yifeng Group, is incredible.

A prison in the suburbs of Beijing.

Ning Xueluo looked at the visitor with a sneer, "Hey, Su Yan, don't think about it... It's impossible for me to divorce you..."

Su Yan looked at the opposite person with an expressionless face and was full of anger. He no longer looked at the gentle woman in the past: "I'm not here to discuss divorce with you."

"Then what do you want to say?"

"As a couple, I'm here to see you one last time."

Ning Xueluo frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

Su Yan said nothing.

Ning Xueluo didn't know what she was thinking of, and her face suddenly changed, "Could it be that I...this is impossible! At best, I am guilty of drug possession. In addition to those illegal activities abroad, I just threatened a few people and paid for murder. If the attempt fails, even if I am convicted of several crimes and sentenced to twenty or thirty years, I will definitely be released one day!"

Su Yan's voice was emotionless: "It's not a crime of drug possession, it's an illegal possession of drugs."

The blood on Ning Xueluo's face instantly faded, and she said excitedly, "Illegal possession of drugs... what illegal possession of drugs! I was just hiding drugs for others! Those drugs are not mine at all! You are slandering!!! "

Ning Xueluo finally panicked.

If she was illegally possessing drugs, the amount of drugs would be sufficient to sentence her to death.

No wonder Su Yan said that she was not here to discuss divorce. As soon as she died, their marriage would be dissolved!

She can't figure it out!

She couldn't figure out how the police got hold of the evidence that she was hiding drugs, and how they knew all her activities and had enough evidence.

She knew that those people must have betrayed her, but she couldn't figure out why!

Even if those people are abroad and their whereabouts are unpredictable, even if they are exposed, the domestic police will not be able to do anything to them, but what good will it do them to give this evidence to the Chinese police?

Could it be... it's Ning Xi again! Did Ning Xi bribe them again?

After Su Yan left, Ning Xueluo strongly demanded to see her lawyer.

"Should I be sentenced to ten years or twenty years this time? How sure are you?" Ning Xueluo asked eagerly.

The lawyer's expression flickered, "This..."

Looking at the lawyer's expression, Ning Xueluo's blood suddenly ran cold, "What is going on! Tell me the truth!"

She also has evidence of bribery by the Su family. Why did Su Yan sound so confident just now?

The lawyer hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Mrs. Su, please forgive me for being unable to help. There are people in the Su family above. I'm afraid there is nothing we can do about your case. You should be prepared for the worst."

"There are people above, who can be above the Su family!"

The lawyer coughed lightly, "Don't you know yet? I thought Mr. Su had already told you...Mr. Su will marry the eldest daughter of the Liang family in City S next month."

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