Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2145 This time, I want to make it public

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Ning Xi didn't dare to drive by herself anymore, so she called Xu Tao to pick her up, just in time to discuss things with him.

Soon, Xu Tao rushed over, rolling and crawling, rushing over as if he was impatient. As he ran, his cell phone kept ringing as if it was exploding.

"Brother Tao, what's wrong with you?" Ning Xi saw that Xu Tao was covered in sweat from running, so she hurriedly handed him a bottle of water.

Xu Tao drank more than half of the bottle and finally could speak. The first thing he said was... wow and burst into tears...

"Uh..." Ning Xi was startled by him and quickly went to comfort her, "Brother Tao, don't be impatient. What happened? Please tell me slowly!"

No matter what kind of thing he encountered, Xu Tao handled it with ease. She had never seen Xu Tao so excited before.

"Who kills with a thousand swords! My Queen! Tell me which bastard it is!!!" Xu Tao cursed angrily.

Ning Xi was confused, "What bastard? Brother Tao, who are you talking about?"

Xu Tao stared at Ning Xi's belly with red eyes, "The baby in your belly... wow..."

Xu Tao felt sad. As he spoke, he couldn't help but fell on the steering wheel and started crying, "I'm so angry! My cabbage is so good!"

Ning Xi was immediately dumbfounded, "How did you know I was pregnant?"

"It's's true..." Xu Tao was so heartbroken that he almost broke into pieces. He stretched out his cell phone to show it to Ning Xi, "Just when I got your call and was about to pick you up. , Liang Feixing sent me news that someone exposed the news that you are pregnant!"

"What?" Ning Xi hurriedly picked up Xu Tao's phone and looked at it.

Sure enough, within just an hour of being posted, that Weibo post had already become the most popular, and the words "Ning Xi is pregnant" were all on the trending searches.

"Which hospital did you get checked at?" Xu Tao asked.

"It's the one that everyone often goes to." Because there was something about Xiaobao there, and Ning Xi liked to think wildly during this period, she thought there was something serious wrong with her body, so she didn't dare to go for a checkup. I told no one, and I didn’t go to the military hospital. Instead, I found a private hospital that was recognized in the industry as having good privacy.

Xu Tao muttered, "That company's confidentiality work is very good, but with such big news that you are pregnant, someone may not be able to resist the temptation..."

Xu Tao gritted his teeth after speaking, "We will kill you for not being pregnant and say those test results were forged!"

Ning Xi looked at Xu Tao's gnashing of teeth and laughed, "Brother Tao, this time, I want to make it public."

"What did you say!!!" Xu Tao wanted to cry again.

What kind of bastard is this that has the Queen of his family so obsessed with her that she even wants to make it public even if she gives up her career for him?

"I'm sorry, Brother Tao, I couldn't tell you in advance so you could prepare. I just got the test results today."

"The point is not this, okay! The point is who is that bastard? My Queen, you must think clearly, this is not a small matter. Once you make it public, this matter will have a huge impact on you! Although the entertainment industry has a very strict attitude towards unmarried people. Pregnancy is a very open-minded thing, but fans are not so accepting!"

While Xu Tao was talking, someone knocked on the car window.

"Who!" Xu Tao immediately looked wary.

"It's me." Liang Feixing's voice came from outside the car.

Xu Tao then opened the central lock.

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