Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2155 Wedding 2

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

"Xiao Xi lost her corsage. I'm going to help her get a spare one. Why are you... here alone? Everyone is in front." Ning Tianxin said.

Mo Lingtian suddenly came back to his senses, "I... they made trouble too late last night and didn't sleep well. I'll find a place to rest."

"The guest room is upstairs."


Then, there was nothing more to say.

"Then I'll get busy first." Ning Tianxin nodded briefly, then walked past him.

The girl didn't know how long she had been gone, but Mo Lingtian still stood there blankly, recalling the girl's voice and expression when she spoke to him just now...

She is really...let it go...

This is... very good...

Seeing that the wedding was about to begin, Ning Xi was making final preparations in the dressing room when Tang Lang opened the door and walked in.

"Junior sister, look who's coming, hahaha~~"

Ning Xi looked behind Tang Lang suspiciously. The next second, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Great God!!!"

In addition, Han Xiao was accompanied by a girl. Although the girl's clothing style and temperament were very different, she could still be recognized at a glance...


"Happy wedding." The girl seemed unfamiliar, but there was a hint of familiarity between her eyebrows.

"Thank you." Ning Xi didn't know what to say for a moment. Although the person in front of her was still Annie, it was obviously not Annie.

"I'm sorry..." the girl lowered her eyes, "I just remembered everything not long ago. Although I lost my memory, I did do something that hurt you."

Tang Lang was busy trying to smooth things over, "Hey, grandma, today is such a happy day, so don't mention those unhappy things~"

Ning Xi also said, "Just let the past go! As long as you and the great god are on good terms now!"

Ning Xi was somewhat relieved to learn that Annie had recalled everything.

"Hey, You Ge, when will we get married?" Han Xiao next to him suddenly said.

The girl's tone was slightly cold: "Didn't you say that weddings and other things are worldly and troublesome, and you don't want them in this life?"

Tang Lang and Ning Xi: "..."

God, your emotional intelligence is worrying! How can you say this to a girl?

A certain great god suddenly looked innocent, "Hey? Did I say that? Didn't I say that weddings and other things are worldly and troublesome, and apart from you, other women should not think about it in this life?"

Tang Lang and Ning Xi: "..."

Awesome, God!

We were wrong!

Amidst the sound of waves lapping on the beach, church bells rang and a solemn wedding march sounded.

The wedding officially begins.

All eyes fell on this enviable couple.

Sitting at the table, Lu Jingli had tears in his eyes, "Oh, I'm so touched! My brother has finally waited for this day!"

Jiang Muye stuffed a pack of tissues in disgust, "It's better to worry about yourself, uncle! As soon as everything on uncle's side is over, we will be forced to get married!"

Lu Jingli: "..."

I will run away from home as soon as the wedding is over!

At the very end of the church, no one noticed that there was a flash of white hair.

The man changed from his usual casual and unruly dress, wearing an extremely formal suit, his hair was all neatly tied behind his head, and he was holding a bouquet of flowers in his arms.

At this moment, he was quietly watching the girl walking towards the priest step by step with another man...

Hold a bouquet... dress up...

But just to miss it...

The man looked a little impatient and threw the flowers in his hand to the man aside, "Tsk, trouble, who stipulates that wedding gifts must be given? Send over the batch of goods we just grabbed!"

Tang Ye: "...Yes."

The batch of goods he just grabbed were obviously all the treasures he had acquired over the years.

Like a giant dragon guarding a treasure, he is giving away all his best at this moment.

This man who never understood what love was finally understood because of a girl.

The wedding march came to an end, and the newlyweds stood in front of the priest.

"Mr. Lu Tingxiao, are you willing to marry Miss Ning Xi as your wife? Are you willing to love her and be loyal to her, regardless of poverty, illness, or hardship, and stay with her until death?"

"I do."

"Bride, Miss Ning Xi, are you willing to marry Mr. Lu Tingxiao? Are you willing to love him and be loyal to him, and stay with him until the end of your life, regardless of poverty, illness, or hardship?"

Ning Xi quietly looked at the man in front of her, at this man who stubbornly wanted to commit himself to her when they first met, at this man who always stayed by her side no matter what happened, at this man who wanted to be with her even if he was alone. The man who fulfilled his vow to marry her...


Fortunately, this time, I didn't leave you alone.

There was a tear in the corner of the girl's eyes, and her tone was unprecedentedly solemn, as if she was committing her life: "I do."

Complete text.

This time it’s the real finale. Darlings, I won’t tell you that I cried while writing this chapter!

Thank you all for your company during this period of time during the hidden marriage. As time goes by, we will never be apart. See you all in the new post!

The extra time for Hidden Marriage is uncertain. When I take a few days off, I will probably write a little bit about the daily life of a family of four. The rest will be based on my inspiration at that time. If there are good jokes, I will also write a little more details. The update time is temporarily undecided. I will notify you in the comment area and "Miai" later. You can pay attention to refresh~

The published book of "Hidden Marriage" "A Gentleman Repays a Favor" will be released soon. I will inform everyone when the pre-sale time is available~

New book: "100% Sweet Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet"

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