Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 239 The Temptation of Uniforms

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Well, let's go." Lu Tingxiao nodded, and then drove towards her apartment.

Ning Xi thought she had dodged a catastrophe, but when she saw this, she became anxious, "I'll just go by myself. I have a lot of things. I'll contact the moving company to get a truck to move them later!"

"It's okay, I can pretend."

Ning Xi thought to herself that although your car is quite spacious, how can it hold so many things, how can you treat yourself like a jingle cat?

But Lu Tingxiao looked determined, and she couldn't refute, so she could only let him drive all the way to the downstairs of the apartment.

Forget it, moving together is a safer result, at least it must have nothing to do with the ambiguous atmosphere.

When they arrived at the apartment, Ning Xi pushed open the door. The room was already covered in a layer of dust because no one lived in it for a long time. The window was blown open by the wind at some point, and leaves fell all over the ground...

A gust of cool autumn wind blew through the window. Lu Tingxiao's slender figure stood in the entrance, his usually cold gaze slowly swept every corner of the room with some warmth.

"What's wrong?" Ning Xi looked at him puzzled.

"It's nothing." Lu Tingxiao looked away.

Although it was a small broken house arranged by Xinghui for her, it had precious memories belonging to them.

Well, let's get someone to buy the house directly later...

"Is there anything I can do?" Lu Tingxiao asked.

Ning Xi scratched her head, found a big empty box, then pointed to a row of tall bookshelves and said, "You are tall, can you help me put the books on the shelves in?"

"Okay." Lu Tingxiao rolled up his sleeves and was about to start.

Ning Xi looked at his outfit that was more expensive than this apartment, stroked his forehead painfully, and said hastily, "Wait... just wait for me!"

After finishing speaking, I found a white coat like a doctor's from somewhere, and stood in front of him, "Take off the coat, and put on this, to prevent dust."

Lu Tingxiao took off his coat as he said, and looked at the white coat with some surprise, "Where did it come from?"

"Theatrical costumes, there was a crew that was so poor that they couldn't afford clothes for the extras, so I bought one myself!" Ning Xi put it on for him after speaking, "Fortunately, the clothes are looser!"

After finishing speaking, he watched Lu Tingxiao froze, and swallowed involuntarily, with an unconcealable surprise on his face...

Lu Tingxiao felt really good in a white coat!

This is simply the temptation of a uniform!

Damn, it's not safe to even move house!

"What's wrong?"

Ning Xi shook her head violently and came back to her senses, "It's okay... let's start! I'm going to tidy up my clothes!"

"En." Lu Tingxiao nodded, looked at the girl's fleeing back with a clear expression, and began to tidy up the books on the shelf.

Lu Tingxiao seemed to be doing things slowly, but in fact he was very fast and efficient, and he was about to clear up the airs in a short while.

While continuing to move, a photo accidentally fell out of a collection of Shakespeare...

Lu Tingxiao picked it up casually.

I saw a group of young people in the photo, all dressed in punk and heavy metal, Ning Xi was in the middle, with extremely short hair, wearing a black biker suit, with a wanton smile on her face, looking like Like a handsome boy.

She rested her arm casually on a man's shoulder, and she was talking to him with her head turned. Her posture looked very intimate, and she should be a very familiar person.

As for the man, because he was turning his head to light the lighter and the light was dim, he couldn't see his face clearly, only a blurred side face...

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