Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 252 I Am Your Exclusive Backstage

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"The meeting is suspended."

Lu Tingxiao left four words and walked out of the meeting room with his mobile phone.

Ning Xi was waiting for Lu Tingxiao's reply, but she didn't expect him to call back directly, which surprised her.

So Ning Xi talked to Xiaotao, and then quickly found a corner where no one was around to answer the phone.


"I saw your message." Lu Tingxiao sounded in a good mood.

Ning Xi scratched the tiles on the wall with her nails, "Oh."

Originally, she thought nothing was wrong when she sent that message, but now why does she feel something is wrong?

"Jealous?" Lu Tingxiao's deep and hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Cough cough cough cough..." Ning Xi was startled by these three words and coughed violently, and then said angrily, "Who is jealous! I think it is necessary to find out the company's interpersonal relationship, just ask casually!"

Depend on! No wonder she felt something was wrong! Sure enough, it will make people feel that they are jealous!

"Since it's a casual question, I refuse to answer it," Lu Tingxiao said.

"Huh...?" Ning Xi was dumbfounded, never expecting that Lu Tingxiao would be so childish, "Then what are you going to do to tell me?"

Lu Tingxiao: "Recall my question."

which question? Jealous?


When I heard Xiaotao's ambiguous guesses, and heard her bring Lu Tingxiao together with other women, I really felt a little uncomfortable...

However, how could it be possible to admit it!

So Ning Xi curled her lips and said indifferently, "Forget it if you don't answer, then I'll treat you as having an affair with Su Yimo, and this one will deduct you to zero points!"

Lu Tingxiao sighed and had no choice but to compromise, "Don't worry, it doesn't matter, you don't have to worry about her in the company."

"Then why do people say that you are Su Yimo's backstage? Didn't you order someone to give Su Yimo a lot of resources before?" Ning Xi was puzzled.

"I'm your backstage," Lu Tingxiao replied.

Ning Xi's face turned hot, and she immediately said seriously, "Speak well! Don't flirt!"

Lu Tingxiao chuckled, "Heh..."

"Don't laugh either!"

Lu Tingxiao finally stopped teasing her, and replied with a light cough, "I did give the order, but I am innocent. The reason why I gave that order is because she saved Xiaobao's life."

"What? What's wrong with Little Treasure?" Ning Xi immediately asked nervously.

"In order to let Xiaobao get in touch with people more, I tried to send him to school, but he lost control and ran out, and was almost hit by a car that couldn't avoid it. Fortunately, another car rushed out at that time , hit the car, and saved Xiaobao's life. It was later found out that the person in that car was Su Yimo. She rushed over because of drunk driving, but saved Xiaobao by accident... "

Ning Xi was stunned when she heard that, "I'll go! I don't know whether it's Su Yimo's luck or Xiaobao's luck! So you gave that order to repay?"

She could understand Lu Tingxiao's repayment very well. Even if Su Yimo saved Xiaobao by accident and not out of intention, she saved Xiaobao after all.


"Tsk, he really saved Xiaobao's life! Why didn't you agree with him at that time?"

Lu Tingxiao said instantly: "Do you think I will give my body to anyone?"

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