Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 262 I still have CP fans with him?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's not like you don't know that I'm forgetful! Thank you for your gift, I like it so much! How about staying with you all night?"

"Stay with me all night, is that what you said?"

"I said what I said! I will help you get back all the lost ranks! GOGOGO!"


Ning Xi risked her life for a gentleman, and really fought with Jiang Muye all night.

Jiang Muye, who hadn't played to the fullest after returning to China, finally had a good time this time, winning ten games in a row in one night! This long-lost sourness!

Ning Xi hadn't relaxed for a long time, and she had a good time, so she yawned and said, "It's a good thing we didn't have much drama in the morning, so we can catch up on sleep!"

Just when the two of them returned to the room and fell asleep, they didn't know that the world had already turned upside down...

In the end, the two were called by their respective managers, and they were all called to Lei Ming's room.

"Isn't there still an hour to start work? Why are you disturbing your dreams so early in the morning!" Jiang Muye was bleary-eyed with a chicken coop on his head.

Ning Xi was not much better, as soon as her butt touched the chair, she almost fell asleep again.

Lin Zhizhi folded her arms around her chest, walked back and forth in the room a few times, then looked at the two of them, and asked in a serious tone, "What did you guys do last night?"

"Nothing!" The two of them keenly sensed that the tone was wrong, so they shook their heads in unison and said in unison.

Lei Ming on the side seemed to have expected their reaction a long time ago, sighed helplessly, and then handed his mobile phone to them, "Then explain what it is."

Ning Xi rubbed her eyes, "'s not last night..."

Isn't this the photo of her playing games with Jiang Muye last night?

Jiang Muye suddenly became sober, "Damn! This is just the back view! I'm wrapped up like this so they can recognize me?"

So, Lei Ming turned to the next picture, which was not a back view, but a clear front view. Although Ning Xi was wearing a mask, Jiang Muye was not, and his entire face was clearly exposed.

Jiang Muye scratched his hair, "Uh, I was too excited to play for a while, so I took off the mask, but I took it off for less than ten seconds, can this be photographed?

Ning Xi blinked, "Then I didn't show any flaws, did I?"

Ling Zhizhi tapped her earlobe, "Your mole. Originally, the figure in the photo is very similar to you, and this mole is so iconic that people can't help but think of you."

Ning Xi: "Who is this, his eyes are so piercing..." Without Lu Tingxiao's reminder, she really forgot this little detail this time...

Jiang Muye's face was sullen, "When we went, we deliberately used the staff's ID card instead of our own. Who the hell is so bored to take pictures of these and post them on the Internet? How could they even notice such a small mole as Ning Xi? "

Lei Ming spread his hands and said, "It should be your fan, and your CP fan."

Ning Xi's eyes widened, "What the hell is a CP fan? I still have CP fans with him?"

At this moment, Ling Zhizhi's expression was extremely solemn, "Ning Xi, I think you should remember that I told you from the first day you came to the company that you are absolutely not allowed to fall in love in your current situation."

She was careless this time, she should have noticed earlier, Ning Xi and Jiang Muye's way of getting along, including their tacit understanding when acting and facing reporters, and things like playing games together late at night, are definitely not just acquaintances. look.

Especially the way Jiang Muye looked at Ning Xi was very unusual...

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