Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 27 Fauvism

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

In the corner, the old butler was silently watching two people, one big and one small, in the living room.

He found that Ning Xi did not go out of her way to please the young master as he had guessed, but concentrated on reading the script all morning.

As for the young master, he looked at calligraphy and painting as usual, and it didn't seem to be any different, but when he observed carefully, he would peek at Ning Xi from time to time, with a lively and reassuring expression on his little face.

Probably because a woman who is too beautiful always makes people feel insecure. The old housekeeper was very worried when he first saw Ning Xi, for fear that the young master would be cheated by her.

According to current observations, she is quite safe, but I don't know how long she can endure...

You have to know how many women in this capital are staring at Mrs. Lu's position, trying to do everything possible to become Xiaobao's stepmother.

For this reason, such a nasty incident even happened two years ago, causing the young master to...

So this time, seeing that the eldest young master actually trusted that woman so much, the second young master did not stop him, and even the young young master liked the way that woman looked, he was really worried and had to help to guard against it.

Before I knew it, more than two hours had passed.

Ning Xi had almost finished reading the script, and Xiaobao's painting was finished, so she took it over to show her.

Ning Xi looked up, her face full of surprise, " this painting of me?"

I really can't tell, Xiaobao looks quiet, but his painting style is Fauvism.

Fauvist painters are characterized by their preference for using bright and heavy colors, and using straightforward and rough brushwork to create strong picture effects to express their inner feelings...

Although the proportions of the characters in this painting are strange and the structure is peculiar, but the characteristics of the characters are accurately captured, so Ning Xi recognized at a glance that the person in the painting is herself.

Xiao Bao nodded while holding the painting, looking a little nervous, as if worried that she would not like it.

"It's really... so beautiful! Can I take a picture of it and use it as the phone's desktop?" Ning Xi didn't deliberately praise Xiaobao, but she herself really likes the Fauvist style of painting, and likes the strong color contrast. And Xiaobao's level, judging from her understanding of paintings, is already at the level of a master!

Xiao Bao pursed her lips shyly, and directly stuffed the painting into her arms.

Ning Xi pointed at herself, "You want to give it to me?"

Xiao Bao nodded.

"Thank you! I like it so much!" Ning Xi hugged Xiao Baozi and kissed his soft cheek.

The little bun was dumbfounded, then his face flushed, and those dull eyes became more alive.

One big and one small were getting along warmly, when Ning Xi heard footsteps above her head.

She looked up in the direction of the sound, and saw Lu Tingxiao, wearing home clothes, with a messy hairstyle after waking up, walking down the stairs lazily...

Although Lu Tingxiao's usual abstinent appearance was charming, this lazy appearance was so different from his usual appearance, so it was more lethal, and it was hopelessly sexy.

It took Ning Xi a long time to realize, "Mr. Lu, you didn't go to work today?" Isn't today Monday?

"Well, I'm resting today." Lu Tingxiao nodded.

It's no wonder that Ning Xi thought about it. He had just finished negotiating a big deal, so it was normal for him to take a good rest.

It turns out that Lu Da Boss also sleeps late, and the inexplicable sense of distance has been shortened...

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