Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 271 It's Over

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After Lu Tingxiao came back from the set, Lu Jingli knew it was over.

This day is going to collapse.

His brother's appearance is even more terrifying than when he first took over the company. At that time, his father was suddenly seriously ill, and he was on the verge of life and death several times. All the side branches were eyeing the position of the heir, and some even separated the two brothers. The whole family was in blood. rainy wind...

At that time, Lu Tingxiao was like an emotionless evil god. He acted swiftly and resolutely, and his methods were extremely harsh. He single-handedly quelled the civil strife that almost overturned the huge Lu family...

The current Lu Tingxiao was like a wild beast awakened from a deep sleep, his whole body was covered with a dangerous murderous aura.

Lu Jingli wanted to comfort him, but since Lu Tingxiao came back, he drove away all the servants at home, and then locked himself in the villa by himself, and set the highest authority, so that no one could enter except himself.

Lu Jingli was afraid that something would happen to him, or even that he would blow up the house, so he kept lingering outside the door worriedly.

This wait is one night.

Lu Tingxiao still didn't come out.

And, something worse happened...

Early in the morning, Mr. Lu personally called and asked him to go back to the old house immediately, and his tone was very displeased.

Lu's old house.

In the living room, Mr. Lu and Mrs. Lu were both sitting on the sofa, with extremely ugly expressions on their faces.

The siren in Lu Jingli's mind beeped cheerfully, and he realized what might have happened almost immediately.

Sure enough, in the next second, Mr. Lu threw a thick stack of documents on him, "You bastard, explain to me what's going on?"

White A4 paper and photos were scattered all over the place.

Lu Jingli took a quick glance and saw that they were all Ning Xi's photos and information.

Sure enough, Ning Xi's identity was exposed.

Hey, why is this time...

It's really a house leak and it rains all night!

Mrs. Lu stared at her youngest son with pain and anger on her face, "Jingli, you really let me down! You can mess around with other things as much as you want, but this is your brother's lifelong event. How can you be so ignorant that you actually help your brother hide it from us!"

"I thought it was a daughter of a famous family! It turned out to be a low-level actor! Her private life is extremely chaotic! How can such a person be the daughter-in-law of our Lu family, and the mother of my grandson!" Speaking of the last sentence, Mr. Lu slapped the table heavily.

Thinking of how he actually entrusted Xiaobao to such a person to take care of these days, he was covered in cold sweat and scared.

"What kind of ecstasy soup did that woman give your brother? How could Tingxiao, who is so arrogant, fall in love with someone like her!"

"Fortunately, we found out early, otherwise, are you going to tell us after the raw rice is cooked? It's just ridiculous!"


The second elder, you and I talked non-stop for half an hour.

Lu Jingli tried to explain at first, but he stopped talking at the end, and sat leisurely on the sofa opposite, counting the tea leaves in the cup boredly.

Mrs. Lu glared at her, "Stinky boy! Are you listening to us?"

Lu Jingli put down his teacup, blinked his eyes, "Huh? You two are done talking? Now can you let your little son who has been scolded like a dog say a few words?"

Mr. Lu snorted coldly, "Okay! Tell me! I want to see what flowers you can come up with!"

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