Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 288 Midnight Date

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu Jingli mused after hearing the words, "The psychiatrist also mentioned it, but Xiaobao is not willing to leave the old house for even half a step. I guess he must still be waiting for you to pick him up and go home!"

Hearing this, Ning Xi's heart clenched a little more.

"It's just that the decision to let you take Xiaobao away is too important. I don't dare to promise you casually..."

Lu Jingli was in a dilemma when his cell phone rang suddenly.

I clicked on it and saw that it was from his brother——

[If she wants to take Xiaobao away, let her go]

Nima! Why did his brother guess Xiao Xixi's mind again! I was caught off guard and showed my face!

After getting the imperial decree, Lu Jingli changed his words quickly, "Xiao Xixi, take it with you! You can take Xiaobao wherever you want! I'll leave it to you!"

Looking at Lu Tingxiao who changed his face faster than turning the pages of a book, Ning Xi's face darkened, "Didn't you just say that this decision is too important to agree to me casually?"

Lu Jingli said in a matter-of-fact tone, "I don't dare to agree casually, but I've thought about it now, so I didn't agree casually, but seriously agreed to you!"

Ning Xi was speechless, and then said, "Don't worry, I will send Xiaobao back by tomorrow morning."

"It's fine, but it's late at night, where are you going to take Xiaobao to relax?"

"What's the matter at night, it's so romantic to relax at night!" Ning Xi despised his short-sighted eyes, then took out the cosmetic bag she carried with her, and started to put on makeup for herself.

Strictly speaking, it's a disguise.

Practice makes perfect, Ning Xi quickly painted a futuristic robot makeup on her face, and then put on a short wig and earrings.

Ning Xi's skin after painting was not like flesh and blood, but bones made of various metals. It looked very cool.

Lu Jingli was amazed when he saw it, "Xiao Xixi, why did you draw your face like this? But it's so cool! It looks like our robot butler No. 1!"

Ning Xi snapped her fingers, "This is a must-have skill for an actor who wants to keep his soul free!"

"Tsk, this skill is quite good, no one will recognize you standing on the street!" Lu Jingli said, and from the corner of his eye he noticed that when Ning Xi was putting on makeup, Xiao Bao's originally dull eyes finally gained focus, He looked at Ning Xi without blinking.

After Ning Xi finished transforming herself, she reached out to Xiaobao's armpit, gently picked him up and sat him on her lap, and then picked up the makeup tools.

Lu Jingli raised his eyebrows, "You even want to draw Xiaobao?"

"Just in case! Xiaobao's handsome little face is more eye-catching than mine, okay? Besides, the Dora style is the same as my painting! Don't worry, these paints are food grade, no harm to the skin!" After speaking, I started to draw for Xiaobao.

Sitting in Ning Xi's arms, Little Treasure was obedient and motionless, he was the most suitable little model.

So Ning Xi drew very quickly, and finished it in less than five minutes.

"Wow! So handsome! I want it too!" Lu Jingli stared.

Ning Xi snorted, "Go aside, don't destroy my combination with Xiaobao!"

Lu Jingli squatted on the spot and drew circles.

"Okay, okay, for the sake of helping me and Xiaobao, I will draw for you next time when I have time! Now I'm going to take my little baby out for a while!"

"That's what you said, don't fool me! I made an appointment with you for my Halloween makeup!"

"no problem!"

Lu Jingli was finally satisfied, and led Xiaobao and Ning Xi out of the yard quietly.

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