Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 375 Little Xixi! You exploded!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Boss Feng? Why is he giving us this?"

"Thanks to you, this time their hotel snatched such a big hit for free, but it saved a lot of advertising costs! It's just a platinum card, nothing at all!"

Ning Xi sighed, there was really no way to explain what happened tonight to anyone, so naturally she could only acquiesce, "Okay, then you can put it away!"

"Huh? I'll keep it?" Xiao Tao looked surprised.

"Of course, everything about me in the future will not be arranged by you, the little housekeeper. It's more convenient to leave it to you!"

Xiaotao stuffed it into the bag with a blushing face, "Then...then I'll keep it for you!"


Pearl River Royal View.

After Ning Xi returned to the apartment, she didn't do anything, the first thing she did was throw herself on the bed.

I'm really tired tonight...


Since yesterday, I have been worrying about it until now, and all kinds of emergencies happened one after another...

Anyway, she has no strength at all right now.

I was lying in bed drowsy when the doorbell outside suddenly rang.

Ning Xi suddenly collapsed, it's so late, who is it! She's almost in the dark about the doorbell!

in spite of!

Ning Xi lay motionless on the bed, but the doorbell rang persistently, almost like a reminder.

He had no choice but to open the door with a gloomy face.

As soon as I walked into the living room, I heard a dirty voice from outside——

"Xiao Xixi! Open the door! Xiao Xixi! Open the door quickly! Xiao Xixi! Open the door quickly!"

Ning Xi opened the door and looked at Lu Jingli outside the door with twitching veins on her forehead, "Second Young Master! Don't howl! It's late at night, what are you doing?"

Lu Jingli immediately squeezed in unceremoniously, and excitedly said as soon as he came in, "Xiao Xixi! You exploded!"

Ning Xi gave him a blank look, "You just exploded!"

Lu Jingli ran back and forth in the living room in a panic, and then murmured quickly, "Damn, I'm so regretful, I'm so regretful that my intestines are green!"

Ning Xi squeezed her eyebrows, "Don't fool around with you! What exactly are you trying to say?"

Lu Jingli looked distressed, "I want to say, why did I go to that boring business reception tonight! But I missed such an amazing scene! Now I can only search for live videos online to watch!"

Ning Xi was full of black lines, "Of course it's because a boring business reception can make a lot of money! Small money is not as important as gossip!"

Lu Jingli retorted righteously on the spot, "Small money is not as important as gossip!"

Ning Xi: "...well, I forgot that you are a local tyrant! Money is just a number to you! Gossip is indeed more important to you!"

Lu Jingli clutched his chest, "And! And! Tonight there is Danial! And Cai Fengxian! How difficult is it for you to have a meal with these two great gods? I actually missed it! Missed it! Missed it! And made a mistake Just missed two! I'm so heartbroken that I don't want to live!"

The corners of Ning Xi's mouth twitched slightly, "Then you should flatter your horse and rush to the Royal Hotel, maybe you can get some leftovers! Why are you here?"

Lu Jingli didn't speak, but stared at her very sadly.

Ning Xi pinched her brows helplessly, "Okay, okay! My boss! Knowing that you didn't come, and knowing that you are welcome, I specially reserved it for you!"

As Ning Xi said, she took out a box of exquisite snacks from the refrigerator, "It's not easy to bring other things, so I can only bring you a box of purple potato cake!"

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