Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 38 You are the Great Demon King

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Fortunately, President Lu was lucky, because it was already too late, there was no one else in the women's room, and he saw Ning Xi sitting slumped against a door with a single glance.

The high heels were kicked here and there, the things in the bag were thrown all over the floor, her hair was disheveled covering her face, she was completely different from the glamorous appearance when she left.

A trace of pity flashed in Lu Tingxiao's eyes, he walked over to pick up her bag, put the scattered things into it one by one, then picked up her shoes, and stretched his arms in from her waist and knees.

Just as she was about to hug her up, Ning Xi suddenly grabbed the doorknob next to her tightly, and stared at the person who came with her eyes full of drunken vigilance, "Who are you..."

"Lu Tingxiao."

"Lu Tingxiao..." Ning Xi was in a trance, and then suddenly became furious, "You are lying! Think of me as an idiot! This is the women's toilet!"

Is this girl really drunk or fake drunk? Pretty smart?

"I did not lie to you."

"Liar...I won't go...I won't go with you..." The drunken Ning Xi was like a frightened little hedgehog, her whole body was full of defense.

Ning Xi refused to leave, so Lu Tingxiao could only temporarily put down the things in his hands to coax her, "Then what do you have to do to believe it?"

"Bring me your ID card!" Ning Xi's expression resembled that of a policeman checking for drunk driving.

The corners of Lu Tingxiao's mouth twitched slightly, obediently took out his wallet with the attitude of a good citizen, took out his ID card and handed it to her.

Ning Xi pinched the small card unsteadily, her eyes were almost glued to it, and then she read every word, "Lu... Ting... Xiao... You are Lu Tingxiao..."

Lu Tingxiao nodded in satisfaction, "Can I go now?"

"Don't go! I won't go with you! You're the Great Demon King...I won't go, I won't go..." Ning Xi became even more excited.

"The Great Demon King..." Lu Tingxiao's face darkened. So that's the image of herself in her mind? He thought he was gentle enough with her.

The two were in a stalemate when there was a sudden sound of footsteps at the door.

"Ning Xi... Ning Xi, are you in there?"

Lu Tingxiao's back stiffened instantly. If someone saw him appearing in the women's restroom, then he wouldn't have to mess around in the capital.

The footsteps of the person coming were getting closer and closer. Seeing that he could already see the corner of the person's clothes, Lu Tingxiao cursed in a low voice, quickly picked up Ning Xi's bag and shoes, and grabbed her and stuffed it behind the door.

The person looking for someone outside the door was the screenwriter Ye Linglong.

Ning Xi was a newcomer and didn't know anyone in the crew. Only Ye Linglong noticed that she didn't seem to come out after entering the bathroom, so she turned back to look for her.

In the cubicle, Ning Xi, who was suddenly pulled in, was frightened and struggled vigorously in the man's arms. There was no movement inside, but Ye Linglong outside naturally heard it.

"Ning Xi, is that you?"

Hearing the approaching voices outside, Lu Tingxiao's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, but at this moment, the hand covering Ning Xi's mouth was suddenly bitten by the little girl, causing his brows to wrinkle in pain.

Lu Tingxiao's eyebrows faintly showed signs of collapse. When was he ever in such a mess?

After taking a deep breath, Lu Tingxiao said slowly in a hoarse voice, "Don't's for you..."

Ye Linglong was about to knock on the door when a man's voice came from inside the cubicle. She froze for a moment, and suddenly understood what was going on, her cheeks flushed, and she hurried out.

I didn't expect to bump into someone "doing business" here.

This is the hotel, why don't you go to the room for business? I really can't understand some people's hobbies!

There is no women's restroom either. Where did this Ning Xi go...

Ye Linglong never thought that the heroine who "does things" is the Ning Xi she was looking for.

Hearing the footsteps outside the door gradually going away, Lu Tingxiao heaved a sigh of relief.

He sat on the toilet seat, loosened his tie, pressed the fussy little woman on his lap, and yelled coldly, "Don't make trouble!"

Otherwise, he doesn't mind if the fake show is real.

The man's tone was so scary that Ning Xi was taken aback for a moment, then hiccupped, her little face was full of aggrieved expressions.

Lu Tingxiao had just finished scaring her, so he could only helplessly pat her on the back to coax her, "Sorry, I shouldn't have hurt you."

Helplessly, the person in his arms became even more sad, and Dou Da's eyeballs fell down from their sockets like money.

Lu Tingxiao was at a loss for what to do.

Why is this girl harder to coax than Xiaobao?

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