Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 402 Reaching the pinnacle of life

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Jiang Muye dragged the chat records in the group, looking at them in amazement, his eyes sparkling, and finally, he slapped Ning Xi on the shoulder, "Ning Xiaoxi! You can do it! Well done! It's so fucking relieved! I I'm very relieved, it seems that you listened to what I said last time! Not bad, good, good, keep this rhythm!"

Ning Xi rolled his eyes at him, and looked at Ling Zhizhi with some trepidation, "Sister Zhizhi, do you think my handling of this is too high-profile?"

Ling Zhizhi pondered for a moment, "At that time, your handling was already perfect. However, it was indeed a bit too sharp..."

It can't be blamed for Lin Zhizhi's worry, after all, everyone in the company knows that Su Yimo's backer is the one from the Lu Group.

Even if Ning Xi and Lu Jingli had a good relationship, it would be very dangerous.

What she was most afraid of was that Ning Xi's wings would be broken before they were full.

Since getting along during this period, she really values ​​this girl and wants to take her well...

Jiang Muye looked down at Lin Zhizhi, and immediately saw what she was worried about. He curled his lips and said indifferently, "What are you worrying about! Ning Xi's backstage is tough, Bisu..."

Before she finished speaking, Ning Xi grabbed an apple from the side and blocked her mouth, "Eat your apple, don't interrupt when women are talking, just stay away!"

Jiang Muye took the apple away: "Ning Xiaoxi! Do you want to fight!"

Ning Xi twisted her wrist, "I don't want to, but I think you seem to want it very much. If that's the case, let me satisfy you!"

Jiang Muye broke his mouth: "I'm going to eat apples!"

Ning Xi nodded in satisfaction, then turned to Lin Zhizhi who was laughing, "Sister Zhizhi, when you brought this guy up, wasn't he such a jerk, he was especially good at torturing people?"

Lin Zhizhi closed her eyes, as if recalling, she replied tactfully, "A little bit."

Ning Xi snorted, "That's a lot! Don't worry, I'll vent my anger on you and help you abuse them all back!"

Jiang Muye gritted his teeth after hearing this, but he didn't dare to speak, so he could only bite the apple angrily!

Sure enough, if you come out to play around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later...

"Oh that's right! Sister Zhizhi! I almost forgot! I want to tell you something very important!" Ning Xi suddenly said excitedly.

"What's the matter?" Ling Zhizhi asked.

"Sister Zhizhi, take the show for me! Take the show for me! I want to work!" Ning Xi asked excitedly.

Ling Zhizhi showed suspicion, "So soon? Your last play was very intense, and I reserved a month's vacation for you."

Ning Xi waved her hands indifferently, "No, no, no! I've had enough rest! I want to film! I want to make money! Make a lot of small money! Then drive a luxury car, live in a luxury house, open a big company to do charity, and reach the pinnacle of life! "

The corners of Jiang Muye's mouth twitched, "Hehe, reach the pinnacle of life and then marry Bai Fumei? Ning Xiaoxi, are you bloody?"

Suddenly so excited, I always feel that there is something weird...

Lin Zhizhi smiled lightly. In fact, she really likes girls who are always energetic. However, she persuaded rationally, "Spirit is commendable, but you can't! The post-production of "The World" will be completed in a month. We are about to start flying from city to city to promote the movie, and we will be very tired by then, so we must recharge our batteries now!"

"Oh..." Ning Xi immediately lowered her head in disappointment.

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