Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 405: You are good at teasing girls and teasing men

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

To put it simply, the heroine's family is very, very rich, the richest family in the area. Her grandfather gave birth to two sons. However, these two sons don't know what happened. The children are very difficult, but they just can't bear them. Having a baby, let alone a son to inherit the family business...

Finally, finally, the heroine's mother is pregnant, and it turns out to be a son!

The whole family is overjoyed!

You can basically guess what happened later, after she was conceived in October, she was born a girl!

It was a bolt from the blue.

The heroine's mother couldn't bear the self-blame and pressure, and the heroine's father wanted to inherit the rights, so the two decided to let their daughter disguise themselves as a man.

This dress is more than twenty years!

How the heroine has not been discovered for so many years, don't worry about it, don't care about the logic of the idol script.

In short, this topic has completely aroused Ning Xi's interest.

Not only is the woman disguised as a man, but the heroine in the play is also very emotional. She is good at teasing girls and men, cynical, and likes to stimulate...

After a closer look, it was tailor-made for her!

The setting of the male protagonist is also good. He is the assistant housekeeper of the female protagonist. He is a loyal dog and is sent by the heroine’s grandfather to control her. When people get along, sparks are gradually wiped out...

"I only like you"! That's it!

After the decision was made, Ning Xi was so excited that she couldn't sleep, and went to the company early the next morning to discuss it with Ling Zhizhi.

"Sister Zhizhi! I have chosen!"

Ling Zhizhi looked at the girl unexpectedly, "So fast? Which one did you like?"

"This, this!" Ning Xi handed the selected notebook to Ling Zhizhi like a baby.

Ling Zhizhi picked up the notebook and glanced at it, "I only like's a very hot IP, an adaptation of a popular novel..."

"That's right! That's it!"

Ling Zhizhi tilted her head, thought for a while, and then analyzed, "Are you sure you want to choose this one? The investment in this book is not big, only ten million. Of course, for modern dramas, this investment is not too small. When I first chose it, it was because of your stage and your appearance that you are very suitable for acting in idol dramas, but I dare not choose you for ordinary idol dramas, because it is easy to be labeled as a vase, which will consume you in vain "The World" has accumulated a good reputation, but this one is different, the heroine of this show puts her acting skills to the test!"

Ning Xi nodded again and again, "Sister Zhizhi, you are right!"

Ling Zhizhi looked up at her carefully, "To be honest, I'm a little surprised that you would choose this... With your appearance, you're sure you're good at dressing up as a woman? It will appear that the plot is fake, and the audience will complain. If you are not careful, it will become a drama. It is not without such examples before."

"I'm sure, I'm confident! Otherwise, I'll go home and change into men's clothing for you to see?" Ning Xi said as she prepared to run home.

Ling Zhizhi smiled lightly, "No need, as long as you have confidence, I believe in you."

In fact, in the drama "The World", judging from the short plot of Ning Xi as the female general, she is still very heroic in her performance, and she does not belong to a man in her aura. If it is really a woman disguised as a man, although it is difficult It's huge, but it's not impossible...

Ning Xi was moved to tears when she heard the words, "Sister Zhizhi, I love you so much! Then shall I contact the people from the group?"

"Well, let's go."


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