Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 408: The Great Demon King Who Suddenly Changed His Face

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi stood in the middle of the room and looked around curiously.

This was her first visit to Lu Tingxiao's office.

This room is indeed in the style of its owner, all in cool colors, metal and glass textures, cold and without any fireworks.

Ning Xi looked at it, and couldn't help but think of the golden decoration style of Shengshi Entertainment, and couldn't help but complain in her heart, the two brothers' aesthetics are too different...

While in a daze, the little secretary came in, "Miss Ning, the tea is ready, please sit down and wait!"

The little secretary not only brought tea, but also a bunch of exquisite snacks.

"Thank you, it's too much trouble for you!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome..." The little secretary waved her hands, but didn't leave for a moment.

Ning Xi picked up the teacup, seeing that the little secretary hadn't left, she was a little suspicious, "Miss Secretary, do you have anything else to do?"

"No! Please have some tea!" The little secretary came back to her senses and hurriedly retreated.

Why! pity! I wanted to wait for her to take off the mask to see what she looked like!

Ning Xi realized the little secretary's intentions and laughed. It turns out that Lu Tingxiao's subordinates also know how to gossip.

Ning Xi sat down on the sofa, took off her mask, and took a sip of tea. At this moment, she caught a glimpse of a thick booklet on the coffee table from the corner of her eye...

What's this?

It's not like a document or something, is it?

At the same time, Lu Tingxiao and a group of high-level executives had rushed to the door of the company.

Everyone is extremely curious, what is the boss's business, so anxious?

Lu Tingxiao got out of the car and was about to enter the building. He had just walked a few steps when he suddenly thought of something, and his entire expression changed. Although he was anxious just now, his face was sunny, but now it was cloudy and the wind was blowing. It feels like the sky is about to collapse...

Seeing this expression, all the senior executives were scared out of their wits!

Is the company about to collapse?

With a low curse, Lu Tingxiao immediately quickened his pace, striding towards the front desk...

"Hello, Mr. Lu!" Secretary Fang hurriedly greeted the person coming.

"Is she here?" Lu Tingxiao asked sharply.

"Human?" The little secretary was taken aback by the boss's terrifying expression, and she was taken aback for a moment before she realized, "President Lu, do you mean Miss Ning? Yes! She is already waiting for you in your office!"

"What?" Lu Tingxiao's expression became even more terrifying in an instant.

The little secretary almost cried on the spot, "Lu... President Lu... Is there any problem? Assistant Cheng told me, let me take that lady to your office to wait!"

Seeing Lu Tingxiao's expression, Cheng Feng on the side also panicked, thinking that it was the boss who told me to wait in your office!

Lu Tingxiao pinched the center of his brows, and asked in a deep voice, "How long has she been up?"

The little secretary looked at the time tremblingly, "About seven or eight minutes."

Lu Tingxiao didn't speak any more, with a dark face, he walked quickly towards the elevator...

Behind him, the little secretary anxiously called Cheng Feng who was behind Lu Tingxiao, "Assistant Cheng! Assistant Cheng! What happened? Did I do something wrong? You asked me to bring someone up! I'm not sure I asked you one more time specifically!"

Cheng Feng also had a pale face at the moment, "Ask me, I'll ask who! Don't be too nervous, I'll check the situation and tell you later!"

"Then hurry up..." The little secretary replied crying. Waiting one more second is suffering...

After getting out of the elevator, Lu Tingxiao tugged at his tie, and finally ran all the way to his office. All the employees who were working along the way looked like hell...

Nima, why does the figure who flew past just now look a bit like your own boss?


[Send the finished five chapters first~ The rest of the daytime update~ It is expected to be a little later~ Also, Darlings, I have said many times not to wait for the update in the early morning... Say it again, don’t wait in the early morning ...Looking at it during the day...I can't guarantee that I will finish writing the update in the early morning...]

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