Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 419 Try a Beauty Trick

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Aren't I immersed in the tragedy of being suppressed by you for a generation... It's okay, okay! Hang up! Brother Kan will take you to pretend to fly with you!" Jiang Muye hung up the phone with a snap.

Ning Xi was speechless.

Fortunately, Jiang Muye really returned to normal after that, the two cooperated tacitly, won three games in a row with various routines, and even played a very beautiful headwind. More and more spectators came in behind, Accidentally broke the record of that live broadcast platform.

"Beauty 6666666!!! I thought the ad was just bragging! I didn't expect a girl game to be played so well!"

"You can't judge people by their appearance!"

"This beauty is an expert at first glance, okay? You don't even look at that set of mouse buttons, it's enough for me to earn several months' salary!"


Seeing this, Ning Xi was stunned, and subconsciously glanced at the mouse and keyboard she was using.

This thing is dark and ugly, but it's so expensive?

Fortunately, she didn't accidentally break it...

While interacting with the audience, the study door knocked three times before being pushed open. Lu Tingxiao stood at the door with the script in his hand, signaling with his eyes whether she was done.

Ning Xi took a look and found that the time required by the game company had already been reached, so she greeted everyone and logged off.

"How is it? Did it go well?" Lu Tingxiao asked.

"It was a bit of a problem at the beginning, but everything went smoothly afterwards! Some viewers just said that your mouse and keyboard are expensive, no wonder you use them so smoothly!"

"That's good."

"Have you finished reading the script?" Ning Xi hurriedly asked when she saw the script in his hand.

"En." Lu Tingxiao walked into the room and sat down on the sofa, his brows looked a bit solemn.

Looking at Lu Tingxiao's expression, Ning Xi suddenly became a little nervous, "Is there something wrong with the script?"

"There is nothing wrong with the subject matter..."

Ning Xi had just breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Lu Tingxiao continue, "But I don't recommend you to shoot."

"Huh? Why?" Ning Xi was stunned.

Lu Tingxiao frowned and said, "Too many dangerous shots."

"Dangerous scene? Where?" Ning Xi recalled carefully, remembering that the heroine in the play loved exciting sports.

"You mean flying cars, bungee jumping, fencing, sea and sky flying dragons, etc.? In fact, those are all things that I play badly, and most of them won't really play them when they are filming. There won't be any danger!" Ning Xi Try to persuade.

However, Lu Tingxiao seemed to have made up his mind, "Ning Xi, choose another one. If you don't like any of the ones Ling Zhizhi picked for you, I can prepare another one for you."

Ning Xi's heart sank immediately, and her expression changed, "I don't want it! This is the one I've set my sights on! It's my must!"

Lu Tingxiao pinched the center of his brows, "Be obedient."

Ning Xi felt a little wronged, "Lu Tingxiao, why can't you trust me?"

"Ning Xi, it's not that I don't believe you. I dug you in. I'm responsible for your life and safety. This is my bottom line." Lu Tingxiao's tone didn't allow the slightest room for change.

Depend on! It's so serious that it has risen to the bottom line...

Is this script doomed to miss her?

Ning Xi never expected that after working hard for a long time, it would end like this...

In fact, those shots were really no problem for her, but seeing Lu Tingxiao's appearance, it was absolutely impossible for her to let go.

what to do……

Thinking about the book that ignited her passion, Ning Xi couldn't be reconciled, so she decided to give it a go.

What the hell, she's always been tricked by the big devil, so it must be her turn to do it again!

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