Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 427 The Boss of the Lu Corporation

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Hehe, if it's even cheaper... I suggest you change to another one. We, Bao Yuxuan, don't make that kind of low-quality goods!"

After the boss said this, he stopped saying hello and left.

One hundred and fifty thousand may be a big order for others, but just kidding, he is the boss of Baoyu Pavilion. There are many rich people in this land, and he often receives big orders of more than one million. Where is he qualified to serve in person.

The attitude of this kind of bosses and shopkeepers is the same. Ning Xi had already prepared before she chose Baoyuxuan, so she didn't care about it, and continued to concentrate on picking up the bracelet.

After all, Baoyuxuan's quality is guaranteed, even if it costs more than a hundred thousand yuan, it must be better than others.

At this time, a slightly familiar voice suddenly came from behind——

"Tsk tsk, you're so ridiculous. If you don't have money to buy it, just say it. Who are you going to listen to so many beautiful words! Is it a fool to be the boss?"

Ning Xi looked in the direction of the voice, her brows raised slightly, it's really a narrow road!

The person talking opposite was Liang Biqin in Chanel haute couture, and the person next to her was Su Yimo, who was wearing a long dress like a goddess. They were accompanied by a few familiar girls, all of whom liked to curry favor with Su Yimo on weekdays. , an artist close to her.

"Oh! My Goddess Su! What kind of wind brought you here! I said why I hear magpies screaming on my balcony all the time today! It turns out that a nobleman has arrived!" The small-eyed boss looked When the person arrived, he immediately greeted him as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and the polite words in his mouth were repeated one after another without repeating the same.

Not only because of Su Yimo's popularity, but most importantly, this woman is most likely to become the boss wife of their Lu Group! Could he be coaxing carelessly?

Especially recently, there have been rumors from within the group that Lu Tingxiao spoiled Su Yimo so much that he brought him directly to the company.

So this matter must be close to ten!

"Goddess Su, please come inside quickly! Xiaoyu, go to the back and bring up all the best things in the store! Xiaocui, hurry up and make tea, use the excellent Tieguanyin I bought last time!" the boss kept saying ordered.

The clerks in the store served tea and water and said good things, and they were all busy around Su Yimo. After all, everyone wanted to show their face in front of the future proprietress.

No matter how cold Su Yimo pretended to be, at this moment she was amused by the boss's airtight flattery, "Boss, you don't have to be too polite, I just took a casual look."

The boss immediately swore, "Miss Su, it's my honor to serve you. How can you be polite? You can't be too polite!"

Liang Biqin at the side glared triumphantly at Ning Xi, who was standing alone at the opposite counter and was ignored, and said with a smile, "Boss, have you put honey on your mouth! You are really getting better at talking." Already!"

"Miss Liang, look at what you said. I said it from the bottom of my heart!" The boss said, taking the goods from the shop assistant and carefully placing them on Su Yimo's table. in front of.

Su Yimo casually picked up a crystal clear jade bracelet, "New? I don't think I've seen it the last time I came here."

"Miss Su, good eyesight, it is indeed a new batch of goods, and everything is good! Of course, no matter how good the goods are, they are still a little bit short of the identity of the goddess Su! If you don't dislike it, you can Pick whatever you want!" The boss rubbed his hands excitedly.

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