Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 443 Don't rush to draw conclusions

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

In this game, he is the leader, everything is up to him.

The man Shi Xiao brought gave Ning Xi an angry look, and said viciously, "If... this time we can leave alive... After we get out, I will definitely peel off your whole body!"

"Hahaha, I like to watch you stupid pigs fighting each other the most, but whether you can leave alive, you stupid pigs don't care! Well, if you don't want to die, continue to admit it to me now!" The bald man sneered road.

Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhi clenched their fists tightly, but in this situation, they had no choice but to pray that reinforcements would arrive as soon as possible. If the old mainland Tingxiao didn't know about all this, they would surely They will all die here!

Ning Xi looked calm, as if she was not affected by Shi Xiao and the others and the bald man. She scanned the box and picked up a gun casually.

"You also have such ancient guns. It seems that you have wasted a lot of thought for this game." Ning Xi said lightly.

The bald man didn't speak, but he had an inexplicable smile on his face, and his golden eyes were fixed on Ning Xi.

"You can recognize this pistol if you don't believe it." In front of the bald man, the woman Alice Leng Sheng said.

Ning Xi suddenly raised her head, and her eyes fell on the foreign woman Alice: "I really don't know this pistol."

Hearing this, Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhi felt chills in their hearts, although they had already thought of this result.

"You stinky bastard, I'll kill you!"

The mentality of the man brought by Shi Xiao completely collapsed, and he almost lost his mind. He thought that he would be killed by the actor in front of him, and all his faults came from this actor! !


Just as the man brought by Shi Xiao was rushing towards Ning Xi, a blazing fire suddenly appeared from the black muzzle of the bald man. Immediately, a bullet pierced the ground in front of the man, causing gravel to splash , The sound of gunfire exploded like thunder, shocking.

"Your life and death are not up to you to decide. Whoever I want to die first will die first. Do you want to break the rules of my game, stupid pig!" The man who came said.

At that moment, the man finally regained his sense amidst the sound of the gunshots. His whole body was drenched in cold sweat. He immediately shook his head and stepped back, not daring to say a word.

"Hahaha, I like obedient stupid pigs the most." Seeing the man's expression, the bald man nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Ning Xi: "Since you can't recognize him, then we can only follow the game Follow the rules, hahahaha!!"

However, Ning Xi shook her head, "Don't rush to a conclusion."

"Huh?" The bald man was a little puzzled.

"Although I haven't come into contact with this type of gun, the caliber and feel of this gun, as well as its unique shape, are not too difficult to guess." Ning Xi didn't care.


At this time, not only Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhi, but even the foreigners were taken aback. This woman actually wanted to guess. Could it be that she is not afraid of death?

Ning Xi looked at the small pocket gun in her hand, weighed it, and said calmly, "About one kilogram, the length should be 180 mm, and the carbon steel impact sleeve has been specially modified and processed with special metal materials. The caliber is 0.46 inches or so, about 12mm, a special caliber that only uses 0.45 inch Smith \u0026 Wesson bullets..."

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