Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 455 Do you want to have a baby?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After Lu Tingxiao entered the bathroom, Ning Xi's mind inexplicably resurfaced the expression on Lu Tingxiao's face when he scolded her earlier. He was clearly angry like that, but he still held it back because he didn't want to scare her.

And... At that time, there was a great possibility that Lu Tingxiao saw the scene of her murder, but he didn't say anything, didn't ask anything, and continued to comfort her gently as always...

Ning Xi hugged her knees, a warmth could not help appearing on her face, then cleared her throat, and began to sing slowly, "When I fell in love with you, I didn't understand feelings, but I found out that meeting you is the best thing in life. Who has been silently guarding the place in the wind and rain, so you are the luck I want to keep the most, and it turns out that we and love were so close..."

Even though he can't be in his line of sight, he can feel at ease if he can hear the voice, right?

In the bathroom, Lu Tingxiao's ear suddenly heard a girl's sweet and sweet voice. A heart from the North Pole suddenly warmed up like the warm sun on the equator...


Three days later, Huaguo, Imperial Capital Airport.

Finally, after dealing with some follow-up matters, I returned to China.

After getting off the plane, Lu Tingxiao was about to send Ning Xi home first, but Ning Xi was the first to say, "Boss, I'll take you home!"

Lu Tingxiao raised his brows slightly when he heard this, "Are you sending me? It seems like a man giving a woman this kind of thing?"

"That's different. Apart from the relationship between a man and a woman, you are still my boss, and I am your most loyal employee. Of course, I should be the one who takes you home!" She can only feel at ease when she sees him safely home .

Seeing the girl talking nonsense in a serious manner, the corners of Lu Tingxiao's lips curled up slightly, "It seems to make sense."

Ning Xi nodded repeatedly, "Of course! So I must be the one to see you off!"

"Okay, send me off." He would naturally be happy to be able to stay with her for a while, no matter in which way.

After getting into the car, Lu Tingxiao took out his phone casually, tapped it a few times with his slender fingers, and sent a text message to his son.

[After one hour, open the windows of your room. ]

The other end of the phone was silent and there was no response.

However, Lu Tingxiao was not in a hurry.

About three minutes later, the phone rang, and the little guy sent three exclamation points over.

[! ! ! ]

The corner of Lu Tingxiao's mouth curled up slightly, knowing that his son had already guessed what he meant.

An hour later, the car drove to the gate of the courtyard.

Lu Tingxiao raised his eyes and took a look, and sure enough, he saw a small head at the window that was eager to pierce his eyes. Soon, the small head disappeared with a whoosh. After a while, a small figure flew towards them...

Afterwards, the little guy jumped over Papa, whom he hadn't seen for many days, without stopping, and rushed towards the direction behind him...

Lu Tingxiao who was completely ignored: "..." Well, I'm used to it...

Seeing the little bun, Ning Xi was overwhelmed with surprise, bent down to catch him, and hugged him dearly, "Little baby——"

The moment she hugged Xiaobao, she felt like returning to the world from the bloody hell, so warm and soft that she didn't want to let go...

The little bun stuck to Aunt Xiao Xi's arms, and followed the boat into the harbor, and the little bird into the woods, his whole body was filled with satisfaction and peace of mind.

Ning Xi was getting bored with Xiao Baozi when suddenly she caught a glimpse of Lu Tingxiao who was alone in front of her out of the corner of her eye, so she supported Xiao Baozi's shoulder and said softly, "Xiao Bao, you haven't seen Dad for so many days, don't you miss him? ?”

The little bun looked at Lu Tingxiao with a thoughtful expression on his face...

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